2019年8月11日 星期日

Shaken Authority: China's Communist Party and the 2008 Sichuan Earthquake


汶川大地震,也称2008年四川大地震或5·12大地震,發生於北京時間2008年5月12日(星期一)14时28分04秒,震央位於中國四川省阿坝藏族羌族自治州汶川縣映秀镇附近、四川省会成都市西北偏西方向79千米处。根据中国地震局的数据,此次地震的 ...
震级‎: ‎Ms 8.2(CEA); Mw 8.3(USGS)
最大烈度‎: ‎11(XI)度(CSIS,CEA); 11(XI)度(MM...
震源深度‎: ‎19千米
發生時間‎: ‎14:28:04(UTC+8)

ken Authority: China's Communist Party and the 2008 Sichuan Earthquake (English) Hardcover – 五月 9, 2017
Christian P. Sorace (Author)
Hardcover: 248 頁
出版商:Cornell University Press; 1 版本 (2017年5月9日)

Table of Contents:
  • The Communist Party's miracle
  • Party spirit made flesh
  • Blood transfusion, generation, and anemia
  • The utopia of urban planning
  • The mirage of development
  • The ideological pursuit of ecology.

"An excellent and detailed account of how the meaning of concepts and even of the single words of which they consist becomes tools of the [Chinese Communist Party] to advance its agenda and shape people’s habits of speech and disposition.... Reading Sorace’s account is truly interesting and worthwhile.... An incredibly rich account of how discourse and culture play an essential role in Chinese politics in general. The use of Chinese phrases―both in pinyin and Chinese characters for comparison in the glossary―is flawless, which also makes the book a great read and rich source of information for sinologists, native speakers, and anyone with interest in Chinese political language."
(Journal of Chinese Political Science)

"This book would interest China scholars across the board, students of disaster politics, humanitarian NGO workers, and the informed public interested in China's West. Sorace's provoking research questions and detailed discourse analysis, along with the ethnographic case studies, contribute to the field of Chinese studies and political science by raising questions as to the shallowness of the dominant 'it's the economy, stupid' credo that had allegedly killed the ideology and political discourse, despite its indispensability to any complete analysis of contemporary Chinese politics."
(The China Quarterly)

"Christian Sorace's book on the reconstruction after the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake is an excellent study on Chinese communist ideology, governance and politics.... Sorace's book is robustly empirical, and its understanding of contemporary Chinese politics and the role of ideology is theoretically significant. It is easy to agree with Sorace's main argument that ideology is very much present in the way the party makes its decisions even today, and scholars would do well not to neglect the influence of ideology on the way policies are formulated, implemented, and propagated in China."
(china information)

"Sorace's work provides important empirical correctives to several prevalent hypotheses of sociopolitical change in China after the 2008 Sichuan earthquake.... Offers profound insights into how power works in China by grounding abstract Party discourse in concrete state practices. The author demonstrates how to conduct a good discourse analysis study by analyzing texts in their contexts, which requires extensive knowledge of the sociohistorical background of the data and a deep understanding of the theories revolving around the theme under study."
(Pacific Affairs)


"After the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake, many scholars suggested that the disaster relief and reconstruction process might strengthen civil society in China. In Shaken Authority, however, Christian P. Sorace offers a different explanation for political behavior among cadresto understand the outcomes of the post-earthquake reconstruction project based on how the CCP attempted to engineer economic development and maintain legitimacy. His fieldwork yielded rich content that greatly adds to our understanding of the politics of reconstruction in China."
(Jessica Teets, Middlebury College, author of Civil Society Under Authoritarianism)

"Shaken Authority is a very fascinating and unconventional book. In his insightful analysis that sees discourse and culture as key to politics, Christian P. Sorace questions the prevalent view of Chinese Communist Party discourse as mere lies and ploys to maintain the Party's grip on power. Sorace seeks to examine how official discourse and the intellectual heritage of Maoism play a large role in governing a potentially volatile and chaotic situation. Maoism is retrieved from the past to shed critical light on how the current political agenda falls short."
(Ban Wang, Stanford University, author of The Sublime Figure of History)

"Shaken Authority is a tour de force. Christian P. Sorace provides us with a fascinating journey into the high and low politics of state-society relations in China via post–Wenchuan Earthquake reconstruction and introduces us to a new way of approaching the intersection of political theory and empirical reality in China."
(Andrew Mertha, author of Brothers in Arms)

