2016年8月23日 星期二

Jorge Luis Borges 書緣:『書鏡中人:波赫士的文學人生』一句

Jorge Francisco Isidoro Luis Borges was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina on this day in 1899.
“A book is not an isolated being: it is a relationship, an axis of innumerable relationships”
―from FICCIONES by Jorge Luis Borges
Jorge Luis Borges was one of those very rare creators who changed the face of an art form—in his case, the short story. His work has been paid the ultimate honor of being appropriated and imitated by innumerable writers on every continent of the world.The seventeen brief masterpieces of FICCIONES explode the boundaries of genre, offering up labyrinthine libraries, a fictional encyclopedia entry that spawns an entire world, a review of a nonexistent writer’s attempt to re-create Don Quixote word for word, a man with the disabling inability to forget anything he has ever experienced, and other metaphysical puzzles. But the true measure of Borges’s greatness lies in the fact that his fictions—elaborately paradoxical, postmodern, and intellectually delicious as they are—managed to return the short story to the realm of the fabulous and the uncanny from which, as parable and fairy tale, it originally came. MORE here: http://knopfdoubleday.com/book/16193/ficciones/

Don't talk unless you can improve the silence.---Jorge Luis Borges

Jorge Luis Borges was born on this day in 1899.
The Argentine author is considered one of the key figures in Spanish language literature.
Happy birthday, Borges!

A stolen first edition of Borges’s early poems and the wild goose chase it inspired.

Seven years ago, a stolen first edition of Borges’s early poems was returned to Argentina’s National Library. But was it the right copy? Jorge Luis Borges in 1963. Photo: Alicia D'Amico The world of rare books and...


這本『博爾赫斯:書鏡中人』,可能連同『博爾赫斯全集』,是2000在明目書社買的,不過沒讀。校者王永年先生的『歐 亨利全集』的極少部分之翻譯討論,我們SU討論過。


月前,買『書鏡中人:波赫士的文學人生』,指出其中某些編輯毛病、錯誤。其實,對照過的人,馬上就可以知道,台灣版的注解遠多於大陸版,而且更抓得住要 點,行文更通暢。這本,又有人名索引—對於索引應多多益善,這只能算略勝一籌,因為我認為「波赫士之作品」也應該編索引,譬如說,他的名小說Aleph, 這篇,有許多人引用過(譬如說,『"恐怖的力量"』,頁29,譯注也不錯),不過梁本之注解說也很可以參考(頁229-30)。


梁兄沒做『書鏡中人』之翻譯對照比較,可惜。看看余光中先生,他常常舉自己翻譯O. Wilde等作品來說明譯藝.......(譬如說,他的精彩的「淡江50?周年講座」.......
建議你,抄 p.378之Shaw之妙語,給我們開開眼界。」

hc:「謝謝梁兄:我們把找原文的工作交給「小讀者」(PetitReader)---- 鼓掌通過……



(「校長」就別陷害小讀友了…… 早忘了這段文字,看到大陸譯文有「情感湧動和生存激揚的驚人的力量」之語,心下一驚︰難不成我這個黑心翻譯承包商偷工減料的行徑人贓並獲了!)

PetitReader 彈手之力就找到:
「I liked sexual intercourse, because of its amazing power of producing a celestial flood of emotion and exaltation of existence which, however momentary, gave me a sample of what may one day be the normal state of being for mankind in[58] intellectual ecstasy. (((I always gave the wildest expression to this in a torrent of words, partly because I felt it due to the woman to know what I felt in her arms, and partly because I wanted her to share it.)))
(Shaw to Frank Harris) 」

hc:「(先談點Shaw) 終於稍微懂啦!小讀者似乎非查書 而是直接 Google的
對了,google可以寫一套叢書 。我接觸過幾個教授院長級的,他們對於 Google之資源,也幾乎一竅不通。所以這相關和引發的知識技能等等 ,或與民智之開發關係或許不小 。可惜許多"服務"都還沒中文的版本。」

"作家們的作家--   "Jorge Luis Borges

最近翻 "作家們的作家-- " 雲南人民出版社 1995

英國等文學或名人訪問 喜歡問如果你被丟到某荒島,




Activist for rights of sex workers buried among luminaries
Wednesday, Mar 11, 2009, Page 6
A well-known one-time prostitute who campaigned for the rights and dignity of sex workers was given an honored place of rest on Monday in the same cemetery where Protestantism’s John Calvin is buried, drawing criticism from some.
Griselidis Real, who died in 2005, was buried in the presence of 200 people at the Cemetery of the Kings, which is reserved for individuals who profoundly marked Swiss or international history. Argentine writer Jose Luis Borges and child psychologist Jean Piaget are interred there.

On Doctoring 收(故)名作家 Jorge Luis Borges的 The Immortals (論永生): 他願意的是其身體與精神俱去;他不想來生再作Jorge Luis Borges。

博爾赫斯說博爾赫斯   豪·路·博爾赫斯:作家和自修學者,1899年生於當時的阿根廷首都布宜諾斯艾利斯城。他的父親是心理學教師。他是諾拉·博爾赫斯(孀居)的哥哥。他愛好文學、哲學和倫理學。他喜歡寫短篇小說。他雖然只是似乎在日內瓦受過正式的中學教育(對此,評論界至今還在查證之中),卻在布宜諾斯艾利斯大學、得克薩斯大學和哈佛大學授過課。有傳聞說他在考試中從不提問,只是請學生隨意就命題的某個方面發表見解。他討厭開列參考書目,認為參考書籍會使學生捨本逐末。




