Consensus democracy is the application of consensus decision-making to the process of legislation in a democracy. It is characterized by a decision-making structure which involves and takes into account as broad a range of opinions as possible, as opposed to systems where minority opinions can potentially be ignored by vote-winning majorities.[1]
Consensus democracy also features increased citizen participation both in determining the political agenda and in the decision-making process itself. Some[who?] have pointed to developments in information and communication technology as potential facilitators of such systems, for example the usage of DemocracyOS[2] being used in Buenos Aires.
Consensus democracy is most closely embodied in certain countries such as Switzerland,Germany, Denmark, Lebanon, Sweden, Iraq, and Belgium, where consensus is an important feature of political culture, particularly with a view to preventing the domination of one linguistic or cultural group in the political process.[3] The term consociational state is used in political science to describe countries with such consensus based political systems. An example of such a system could be the Dutch Poldermodel. Many parties in Lebanon call for applying consensus democracy (الديمقراطية التوافقية), especially at times of crisis.
Summary of Lijphart: Patterns of democracy - From WikiSummary,
在某大台新界東選舉論壇上,新民黨的容乜乜引述「西方學者李伯特」講「共識政治」,估計是 Arend Lijphart 和他首先稱呼的 consensual democracy,我書架上正好有一本他寫的書。
Consensual Democracy 講的不單是減少社會分化令各方變得一樣意見,而是怎樣在社會多元分化之下協助達成共識,和而不同。這主要是靠政制。Lijphart 提出的重點包括:
1. 比例代表制:讓不同聲音都能進入體制,讓各方有公平機會發聲。
2. 多黨執政聯盟:承上,要讓不同聲音都進入政府,不能讓一黨獨大,將各方綁在一條船上,逼他們共同承擔責任和合作,重點是分享權力 power sharing。
3. 互相制衡:行政和立法要互相制衡,不能有一方獨大。施政要順利,當然需要雙方適時合作,但這是建基於平等的協商,不是行政逼立法通過。
4. 嚴謹憲法、司法獨立、司法覆核:承上,都是互相制衡,而且要保障少數派有反對的渠道。
5. 聯邦制:在不少國家,社會分化是源於民族、文化、語言等的差異。使用聯邦制能保障少數民族/文化/語言分子的權益,也能增加他們循制度解決紛爭的誘因。
再補充,與 consensual democracy 相對的是 majoritarian democracy,網上譯「多數決民主」(因為我是讀書時是用英文,中譯要靠網上找),即多數派 majority 可以全取權力的民主形式。具體一點就是兩黨制,永遠一黨執政一黨在野,執政黨夠票就可以無視少數派硬推政策的模式。
ps 筆者以前也寫過一篇講 Lijphart 和 consensual democracy 的,當時是因為聽到京官來港亂 up 24 時引用西方學者。不知容乜乜是否在學該京官?該篇文章講的更詳細,有興趣可看看。
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