2016年8月10日 星期三
A New Alice in the Old Wonderland
A New Alice in the Old Wonderland - Page 65 - Google Books Result
Anna M. Richards, Jr. - 2000 - Juvenile Fictionthe head of the table ; there was a lion on one side of her, and something that was certainly a greatowl sitting next to the lion. Presently she was* quite sure about the Hatter, who rushed up to the tablein a breathless condition and took a seat ...
A New Alice in the Old Wonderland is a fantasy novel written by Anna M. Richards, illustrated by Anna M. Richards Jr., and published in 1895 by J. B. Lippincott of Philadelphia. According to Carolyn Sigler, it is one of the more important "Alice imitations", or novels inspired by Lewis Carroll's Alice books.
A New Alice in the Old Wonderland - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A New Alice in the Old Wonderland - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A New Alice in the Old Wonderland is a fantasy novel written by Anna M. Richards, illustrated by Anna M. Richards Jr., and published in 1895 by J. B. Lippincott of Philadelphia. According to Carolyn Sigler, it is one of the more important "Alice imitations", or novels inspired by Lewis Carroll's Alicebooks.
A new Alice in the old Wonderland : Richards, Anna M. (Anna Matlack ...
Apr 6, 2008 - A new Alice in the old Wonderland : Richards, Anna M. (Anna Matlack), 1835-1900 : Free Download & Streaming : Internet Archive.
The British Library 新增了 5 張相片。
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