對字而坐/夜深時我聽到耳語般的嘆息在/不遠處/彷彿松林裡一陣晚風或黑暗中的海/那還未曾訴諸言說的/萬物的回聲/仍然旋織著它的單音節/在大地與靜默之間…… | ||
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莫文(W. S. Merwin)的詩,〈吐露〉(Utterance)。 莫文,2010美國國家桂冠詩人,1927年生。十八歲時龐德要他每天回家至少寫七十五行詩,又建議他藉翻譯鍛鍊文字,他聽進了。 他得過耶魯青年詩人獎和國家圖書獎,更是1971、2009兩度普立茲獎得主,出版了二十多本詩集和近二十本譯作,譯作包括十四世紀史詩《蓋文爵士與綠騎 士》(Sir Gawain & the Green Knight)、但丁《煉獄》、羅卡和聶魯達詩集。六○年代初,他開始不用大寫字母,慢慢標點符號也丟掉,說逗點、句點像釘子,把字都釘死了,而他希望文 字能輕靈一點,可以移動,像是說話。他喜歡在小記事簿或餐巾紙上隨手寫。「這樣最接近『不寫』,」他說:「人愈自覺在寫,寫出來的東西愈僵硬。」 1976年為了習禪,他搬到夏威夷茂宜島定居,現在他把家變成保育農園,他的家也是七百多種夏威夷瀕危植物的家。 「現在我所有的老師都死了,除了『靜默』。」 最終,是靜默。在大地與靜默之間的我們。 查一下 W. S. Merwin Voices (Hardcover) Publisher: Copper Canyon PressDescription Antonio Porchia (1886–1968) wrote one book, a slender collection of poetic aphorisms that became a classic in the Spanish-speaking world. With affinities to Taoist and Buddhist epigrams, Voices bears witness to the awe of human existence. Revised and updated with a new introduction by translator W.S. Merwin, this bilingual volume brings back into print one of Latin America’s great literary treasures. He who tells the truth says almost nothing. Antonio Porchia (1886–1968) was born in Italy. After his father died, he emigrated to Argentina with his mother and seven siblings, and as the eldest child, started working at the age of 14. He was self-taught, and his only book, Voices, caught the attention of a noted French critic who assumed him to be a scholar of Kafka and Buddhism, rather than the humble man who loved to tend his garden. Today, Porchia’s aphorisms are published in more than a dozen Spanish-language editions as well as in German, French and Italian. W.S. Merwin’s awards include the Pulitzer Prize, the Tanning Prize, the Bollingen Award, and fellowships from the Guggenheim Foundation and the NEA. He is the author of dozens of books of poetry and translations. He lives in Hawaii. About the Author W.S. Merwin is one of America's leading poets. His prizes include the 2005 National Book Award for his collected poems, Migration, the Pulitzer Prize, the Stevens Award, and fellowships from the Guggenheim Foundation and Lannan Foundation. He is the author of dozens of books of poetry and translations. He lives in Hawaii, where he cultivates endangered palm trees. |
2010年12月20日 星期一
W. S. Merwin 的 Voices
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