2017年2月9日 星期四


2013.6.5 到帕米爾(新疆菜)之前,買兩本二手書,方便等菜時打發時間--該店店員不錯,還有兩張織毯當掛物 。


 另外一本有夾報,有趣而買它 。

東海大學校刊2301990615日內 (隔周發行本期4)

感想很多,譬如說, 幾年前參加一次展覽會,與國立台灣師範大學出版中心的主管談其計畫。後來發現他們有的書是與"南天出版公司"合作出版的 。1981,程石泉先生72歲,他後來到東海大學任教

程石泉- 维基百科,自由的百科全书 - 维基百科- Wikipedia

程石泉(1909年-2005年6月18日),哲學家,易學家。江蘇灌雲人,祖籍安徽歙縣。 1931年畢業于國立中央大學(南京大學)哲學系,曾師從方東美和湯用彤、熊十力等 ...

程石泉先生研究室 - 東海大學

web.thu.edu.tw/arche/www/chenstudy.htmTranslate this page
一代大哲 程石泉先生. 程石泉教授(1909-2005, Shih-chuan Chen, Emeritus,. Professor of Humanity & Oriental Civilization, Emeritus,. Pennsylvania State ...
 主題:驪歌聲起, 鳳凰花開--本校第32屆畢業典禮(17日、周日)....那年有5位博士, 都有簡介。其中,陳宇嘉博士2012年當選校友會會長。

2005/7/15 今天與Heidegger 有點緣。Bruce 來信,我問他為什麼不出國,他說其老哥建議他倆去German Bodensee 。我一查資料,跳出:Lake Constance ( German Bodensee , also known as Schwäbisches Meer (informally) and sometimes written Lake of Constance) is a lake on the Rhine between Germany, Switzerland and Austria.
而這正是 Martin Heidegger:的故鄉……
Lake Constance (, also known as Schwäbisches Meer (informally) and sometimes written Lake of Constance) is a lake on the Rhine between Germany , Switzerland and Austria.
Martin Heidegger: Between Good and Evil by Rudiger Safranski, N Person - Trans. E. Osers. Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 1998
呂迪格爾 .薩弗蘭斯基 著『海德格爾傳 —來自德國的大師』靳希平譯,北京 : 商務印書館, 1999
中文本直接翻譯德文本(不推薦此翻譯 錯誤多多 2007)。注意翻譯本之正、副標題都有改變,原書標題為「來自德國的大師:海德格爾與其時代( 1994 出版)」:靳希平有「來自德國的大師」之譯注 ,不過它沒翻譯「海德格爾與其時代」);英文改為「海德格爾:(存在)善惡之間」。

Without man, Being would be mute; it would be there, but it would not be the True one. (ALEXANDER KOJEVE)

假如離開了人,存在【 das Sein】必喑啞;它仍在那,卻難以成真。( p.1
英文得 Being True 都大寫,讓我知道它們為專名,而中文翻譯的「難以成真」讓我誤解(例如:它推論錯誤嗎?)
※第一章 引「鐘樓的秘密」,指它懸掛著七只鐘…… .,可以商務本( p.15)將它們誤翻譯成只有六只鐘。這可能是對於原文標點的用心不夠(英文本採用分號;商務本都改成句號。)
※第一章末句 Perhaps his heart was rebelling against his head. 這裡英文翻譯用「智- 情」不協調來說明青年海德格爾加入耶穌會(為獎學金?)而卻因為心臟病被退學….

昨天回永和,看楊絳先生 20年前寫的幾篇文章。她說文藝的創作,總不如真正的生活那般動人。她記些拉三輪車的,臨終前一天買許多雞蛋和香油送她家,她還給人錢來辱他。「這種虧欠,是幸運者對於不幸者的咎欠 …..」(大意。楊絳先生約文章,多少可以給些社會邊緣人的生命活力,他們的價值觀和作為 ……寫佣人(兼職)也寫出許多社會鬥爭面向 …..
最近,午後經常驟雨,上周更是如此。有一次,我聽到台大樹上的雨聲,急忙走進以前的物理系館(走廊上頭,管線很多;現在似乎為植物病虫系和戲劇系:前者的廚櫃中,展示學生從顯微鏡中所見的東西之藝術品模式,後者(?)則在走廊貼好些「舊台大」的景物照片,譬如說,圖書館之一、二樓,分別採用電燈泡和日光燈的對比景象 …….

我凝神聽了幾分鐘雨滴打在地面鋁合金的奏鳴曲:這種天然的動態制樂其實很有意思。也許 20分鐘過去了 ……突然,有一為年齡與我略近的女老師走過,停下來問我需不需要她撐傘送我一程。我不想麻煩她。近半小時中,至少有六位學生撐傘走過,她是唯一的問候者 …….
;『共悟人間 —— 父女兩地書』 ,台北:九歌,2003(由於父女序都是 1999寫的,我上網查它是二 OOO年香港天地圖書有限公司先出版)。

劉再復「女兒、女性、女神 (父之序)」中引他大學老師介紹西方文學中著名的女主角,其中「伊摩琴(一報還一報)」應該是錯誤的,因為不管是大陸版本『一報還一報』或梁實秋翻譯的『惡有惡報』都沒這人。
(很巧,我在 SU介紹這齣在西方比較風行: Saccio is endlessly fascinated not only by Shakespeare\''s plays but how society seems to favor certain plays at certain times. While 'Measure for Measure' was considered too racy to perform in the Victorian era because of its frankness about sex, it's now regarded as a great play about sexual politics, Saccio said.
周三寄支票給會計事務所,在「舊書店乙」買兩本書: Ludwig Wittgenstein: the duty of genius by Ray Monk, N Person(英美有許多版本, New York: Free Press : Jonathan Cape –Maxwell Macmillan International
Martin Heidegger: Between Good and Evil by Rudiger Safranski, N Person - Trans. E. Osers. Cambridge, MA and London: Harvard University Press, 1998

呂迪格爾 .薩弗蘭斯基 著『海德格爾傳來自德國的大師』靳希平譯,北京 : 商務印書館, 1999

中文本直接翻譯德文本(hc補 : 此書翻譯錯誤甚多 2007)。注意副標題,原書為「來自德國的大師」(靳希平有譯注),英文為「善惡之間」。
兩次在聯經讀中文商業月刊: Harvard Business Review 有兩篇假six sigma 之名的企管文章。

川瀨健一( Kawase Kenichi)先生來訪,這仁兄58 歲了(當祖父)很有勇氣。我們談了半鐘頭,我帶他出去『山外』,兩人各買一本電影與畫報之書。他請我津居屋的小籠包和金絲卷 …….
我幫他貼一文:「我的朋友 川瀨健一(Kawase Kenichi )先生著『台灣電影饗宴:百年導覽』(李常傳譯,台北:南天書局,2002 )。


感謝。 猜測: 我對它的社會功能有新看法。 1965 之前,台灣鄉下某些電影院 雇解說員。我猜他們無法從原文翻譯,不過我猜其功能是將字幕改成生動的台語(有時加comments— 添油加醋;他們成為演員……. )

; 廣西師大出版社出版 2005這本書,我 1973年讀(三民版),覺得不錯(或許因為《生命的學問》是以前東海演講緣故)。前幾年再看,趣味索然。我們譚談起方東美。讀東海大學哲學系教授俞懿嫻寫「恩師程石泉先生真的走了…… .

受到東美先生闡發希臘悲劇哲學的影響,他在牛津大學聖體書院主攻「希臘研究」 (Greek Studies),時常受到李文斯頓 (Richard Livingstone) 的邀請,在家中吃下午茶。一日李文斯頓指著一位和他女兒走在一起的青年對他說:「這個人的希臘文程度不夠!」原來那青年是史學家湯恩(A. Toynbee)……

史學家湯恩比 (A. Toynbee)的成就可能千百倍嘲笑他的人們。

Preface: A Master from Germany



Translator's Note

-->Childhood and School

Idealism and Materialism: German Philosophy in the Nineteenth Century

Career Planning and Career Problems

The Outbreak of World War I: Habilitation, War Service, Marriage

The Triumph of Phenomenology: Husserl and Heidegger, Father and Son

Revolution in Germany and the Question of Being

Parting with Catholicism and Studying the Laws of Free Fall while Falling

Marburg University and Hannah Arendt, the Great Passion

Being and Time: What Being? What Meaning?

The Mood of the Time: Waiting for the Great Day

A Secret Principal Work: The Metaphysics Lectures of 1929-30-->

Balance Sheets at the End of the Republic

The National Socialist Revolution and Collective Breakout from the Cave

Is Heidegger Anti-Semitic?

Heidegger's Struggle for the Purity of the Movement

Departure from the Political Scene

The Age of Ideology and Total Mobilization: Heidegger Beats a Retreat

The Philosophical Diary and Philosophical Rosary

Heidegger under Surveillance

Heidegger Faces the Denazification Committee: Barred from University Teaching

What Do We Do When We Think?

Martin Heidegger, Hannah Arendt, and Karl Jaspers after the War

Heidegger's Other Public

Adorno and Heidegger: From the Jargon of Authenticity to the Authentic Jargon of the 1960s

Sunset of Life

Works Cited

Further Reading

One of the century's greatest philosophers, without whom there would be no Sartre, no Foucault, no Frankfurt School, Martin Heidegger was also a man of great failures and flaws, a Faustus who made a pact with the devil of his time, Adolf Hitler. The story of Heidegger's life and philosophy, a quintessentially German story in which good and evil, brilliance and blindness are inextricably entwined and the passions and disasters of a whole century come into play, is told in this brilliant biography.
Heidegger grew up in Catholic Germany where, for a chance at pursuing a life of learning, he pledged himself to the priesthood. Soon he turned apostate and sought a university position, which set him on the path to becoming the star of German philosophy in the 1920s. Rüdiger Safranski chronicles Heidegger's rise along with the thought he honed on the way, with its debt to Heraclitus, Plato, and Kant, and its tragic susceptibility to the conservatism that emerged out of the nightmare of Germany's loss in World War I. A chronicle of ideas and of personal commitments and betrayals, Safranski's biography combines clear accounts of the philosophy that won Heidegger eternal renown with the fascinating details of the loves and lapses that tripped up this powerful intellectual.
The best intellectual biography of Heidegger ever written and a best-seller in Germany, Martin Heidegger: Between Good and Evil does not shy away from full coverage of Heidegger's shameful transformation into a propagandist for the National Socialist regime; nor does it allow this aspect of his career to obscure his accomplishments. Written by a master of Heidegger's philosophy, the book is one of the best introductions to the thought and to the life and times of the greatest German philosopher of the century.
Schopenhauer and the Wild Years of Philosophy

Heidegger Links on the Internet
Rüdiger Safranski's evenhanded study, Martin Heidegger: Between Good and Evil, is equally successful at illustrating its subject's pettiness and at displaying the vast power of his imagination. It is the first comprehensive biography of the man, and supersedes both Victor Farías's Heidegger and Nazism and Hugo Ott's Martin Heidegger: A Political Life. It reports many facts that these books did not, and it offers a detailed account of Heidegger's intellectual development--relating his twists and turns, with great skill and remarkable concision, to German intellectual and political life in the first half of this century.
--Richard Rorty, New York Times Book Review

[A] thoughtful, sensitive and sympathetic biography.
--Ray Monk, Times Literary Supplement
A superb work of synthesis, the book places Heidegger's thought and life in the volatile context of 20th-century German and European politics and philosophy...Although Safranski sees Heidegger as a towering figure in 20th-century philosophy, this is a "warts and all" biography. The author leaves no doubt about Heidegger's self-centeredness, his intellectual arrogance, and his convenient lapses of memory about his role in the Nazi years. But the book's primary merit is a superb explication of Heidegger's thought, its antecedents, and its place in the context of his political and philosophical times. For an English-speaking audience, Safranski's treatment is easily the best introduction to Heidegger's complex philosophy...This [is] an important book, highly recommended for anyone interested in the history of 20th-century Continental philosophy and Martin Heidegger's place in it.
--Dietrich Orlow, Boston Sunday Globe
This biography of Martin Heidegger is an impressive achievement, and English-speaking readers are fortunate that it is now available to them...Martin Heidegger is the first comprehensive biography of one of the most influential philosophers of the twentieth century. It offers a detailed view of Heidegger's intellectual development provided by no previous book, and it gives new information on his involvement with the Nazis. Given the importance of Heidegger's thought for many celebrated left-wing thinkers, including Jacques Derrida and Michel Foucault,Safranski's careful consideration of the relation between Heidegger's right-wing politics and his thought can help readers struggle with the much-debated question of whether the contemporary leftists of the postmodern movement are really cultural reactionaries in disguise...Safranski's biography is both the most authoritative and the most approachable of the recent Heidegger books.
--Carl L. Bankston III, Magill's Literary Annual

