In light of the upcoming film adaptation of one of her most famous novels, 'Little Women,' we will be honoring Louisa May Alcott as our #ClassicsInContext Author of the month for December!
Louisa May Alcott was the daughter of transcendentalists, abolitionists, and early feminists. While growing up in poverty, the author worked as a seamstress, servant, governess, and anonymous writer in order to help support the family. This experience is especially close to the story of 'Little Women.' Look out for the trailers for the upcoming film!
To explore more fun facts about this month's author, follow our twitter!
60年代,台灣書市仍有中英對照 《小婦人》
Little Women at Project Gutenberg
若草物語』(わかくさものがたり、英: Little Women)は1868年に、ルイーザ・メイ・オルコット(Louisa May Alcott 1832年11月29日 - 1888年3月6日)による自伝的小説である。19世紀後半のアメリカを舞台に、ピューリタンであるマーチ家の四人姉妹を描いた物語 ...
Little Women is a novel by American author Louisa May Alcott (1832–1888), which was originally published in two volumes in 1868 and 1869. Alcott wrote the books over several months at the request of her publisher. Following the lives of the ...
The story of the four March sisters as they pass from childhood innocence to young adulthood has endured from one generation to the next, never losing its power to enthrall. The autobiographical novel speeds along, thanks to crisp, realistic dialogue, enduring characters and keen insights into family dynamics. “Meg was Amy's confidant and monitor, and by some strange attraction of opposites Jo was gentle Beth's,” Alcott writes. (Jo was the character most like its author.)“One name will explain my adoration for Little Women: Jo March!” says Booklist senior editor Donna Seaman. “What book-loving young reader doesn't revere Louisa May Alcott's intrepid, ink-stained hero? Of course, Alcott was also one brilliant and gripping storyteller with sharp and knowing opinions. So astutely constructed is this novel, it sustains repeated readings.” (Credit: Transatlantic Press)
"Little Women" turned 150 last year. Looking ahead to its film adaptation coming out in December, read our writer's reflections on the novel, criticisms thereof, and its themes that have withstood the test of time.