2019年12月27日 星期五

A Seventh Man by John Berger and Jean Mohr, 1975

First edition (publ. Pelican Books)
A Seventh Man is a book, in the form of photography and text by John Berger and Jean Mohr, on migrant workers in Europe. It was first published in 1975.
In 1972, Berger's novel G., a romantic picaresque set in the Europe of 1898, won both the James Tait Black Memorial Prize and the Booker Prize in 1972. When accepting the Booker award Berger made a point of donating half his cash prize to the Black Panther Party in Britain, and retaining half to support his work on the study of migrant workers that became A Seventh Man, insisting on both as necessary parts of his political struggle.
The book has been cited by South African musician Johnny Clegg as a key influence on his debut album Universal Men.

External links[edit]

作者: [英] 約翰·伯格 / [瑞士] 讓·摩爾
出版社: 中國美術學院出版社
出品方: 理想國
原作名: A Seventh Man
譯者: 劉張鉑瀧
出版年: 2019-10
頁數: 263
定價: CNY54.0
裝幀: 精裝
叢書: 理想國 約翰·伯格作品
ISBN: 9787550319905
內容簡介 · · · · · ·
對背井離鄉、打拼生活的人而言,《第七人》就像是一本家庭相冊,記錄著自強與自豪,渴求與渴 望……它不是一部沉重的社會學或政治學著作,而是一本裝滿了人類學碎片的生活觀察。

