2011年8月26日 星期五

《莎士比亞全集》梁實秋 1967 /Shakespeare

梁實秋要為吳宓旅歐餞行 被推脫掉......

1930年10月25 吳宓在莎士比亞故居
第 140 頁
陳列。司事者疑宓等為日本學生,舉以相詢,未知支那本何日可成?滋增宓等之愧也。 ...

第 391 頁
君,悉此間大學最有名之教授 1880 — 1931 ) 0 於』 11 ^ 13 逝世,馮君甚為哀悼。宓已購像片,此公.最重要之著作,為重譯 Shakespeare全集及Goethe傳,蓋文學史家云。 ...

Gundolf, Friedrich, the pseudonym of Friedrich Gundelfinger (Darmstadt, 1880-1931, Heidelberg). Gundolf was a disciple of Stefan George, collaborating in Die Blätter für die Kunst, in which his two volumes, Fortunat (1903) and Zwiegespräche (1905), appeared. Shakespeare und der deutsche Geist (see Shakespeare) was published in 1911, followed by his monumental monograph Goethe in 1916 and by Stefan George in 1920. In that year he was appointed to a chair at Heidelberg, which he held until his death. Kleist appeared in 1922, and Cäsar in 1924. For some years after the 1914-18 War he enjoyed an almost pontifical authority. He is also noteworthy as a translator of Shakespeare (1908-14).



1966年梁實秋先生自師大退休1967完成歷時38年、40莎士比亞全集(台北: 遠東版)。

