2011年8月24日 星期三


白壁德在1930年代就介紹過本書 參考其論文:
喬治 桑與福樓拜 (1920S-1930S)

收入身後7年出版的 性格與文化 (1937)

翻譯本:北京三聯 2010


副标题: 论东方与西方
作者: [美] 欧文·白璧德
译者: 孙宜学
出版社: 上海三联书店
出版年: 2010-1

《性格与文化:论东方与西方》主要内容包括:西班牙人性格的明与暗、英国人擅长批评吗?、马修·阿诺德、克罗齐与移情说、帕斯卡、拉辛和反浪漫主义的反 动、纪念狄德罗诞辰二百周年、乔治·桑与福楼拜、一个世纪的印度警句、向西方解说印度、民主中的风格问题、人文主义者与专家、艾略特校长和美国教育等。

第5 頁的法文印錯了

Tradición Clásica: The Expression “Après moi le déluge”, and Its ...


The Expression “Après moi le déluge”, and Its Classical Antecedents

[Versión de esta anotación en español: aquí]

The phrase “Après moi, le déluge” (“After me, the deluge") is attributed to the King of France Louis XV (1710-1774):

According to another interpretation, the phrase may have been coined not by the king himself, but by his most famous lover, Madame de Pompadour (1721-1764):

In any case, the phrase had a certain prophetic quality, if we interpret it post eventum as alluding to the breaking out of the French Revolution (1789-1799), which took place fifteen years after the king’s death and which cost the life of his grandson and successor, Louis XVI.

As a first approach to the saying, note that one is dealing with a nominal phrase, that is, without an explicit verb. The phrase can have two distinct, though related, meanings, according to the verb which we implicitly supply:

a) On the one hand, if we understand After me the deluge will come, the saying seems to imply, as an assertive affirmation: “After my reign, the nation will be plunged into chaos and destruction.”

b) The verb could also be understood as a subjunctive concession: After me, let the deluge come (it can come, but it makes no difference to me). In this second case, the speaker asserts that nothing that happens after his disappearance matters to him.

