Leonard Cohen's 'Book of Longing'
Leonard Cohen's book of poems, Book of Longing.
Book of Longing is the first new poetry book by Leonard Cohen since 1984's Book of Mercy. First published in 2006 by McClelland and Stewart, Book of Longing contains 167 previously unpublished poems and drawings, mostly written at a Zen monastery on Mount Baldy in California, where Cohen lived from 1994 to 1999, and in India, which he visited regularly during the late 1990s. The book also incorporates a number of poems written after his 1978 book, Death of a Lady's Man (not to be confused with his 1977 album, Death of a Ladies' Man). These presumably were left out of his 1984 Book of Mercy, which contained only psalm-like meditations. Book of Longing also collects some of the lyrics to songs from the albums Ten New Songs (2001) and Dear Heather (2004). Many of these poems were first published at The Blackening Pages of The Leonard Cohen Files [1] website.
In 2007, the American composer Philip Glass premiered his work Book of Longing. Song Cycle Based on the Poetry and Artwork of Leonard Cohen, in which he set 23 of the book's poems to music. Some poems included Cohen's spoken word.The work was premiered at Luminato in Toronto, Canada, and was subsequently performed at various venues in the United States, United Kingdom and Europe. At the Barbican Centre in London in October 2007, Cohen joined Glass onstage for a pre-concert discussion. The double-CD was released in December 2007.
[edit] External links
- bookoflonging.com
- The Blackening Pages of The Leonard Cohen Files
- Book of Longing CD at The Leonard Cohen Files
U2、Nick Cave、R.E.M.、Sting為之瘋狂的傳奇人物
是詩人、是歌手、也是作家搖滾樂壇永遠的神話 ─ 李歐納‧柯恩
跨越影像用極簡音符建構世界秩序的現代前衛音樂領航者 ─ 菲利普‧格拉斯
極 限音樂巨匠菲利普.格拉斯(Philip Glass),和「搖滾樂界的拜倫」、加拿大籍詩人歌手李歐納.柯恩(Leonard Cohen),兩位當代最重量級的藝術家醞釀多年,首次以柯恩2006年發表的詩畫集《渴望之書》為名,掀起跨界合作的話題。格拉斯以六年的時間,為柯恩 的22首詩譜曲,運用四位歌者與小型樂團的編制,融合柯恩過去20年來的插畫投影,成為一場文學、視覺與音樂相互交合的盛宴。
擁有詩人、 歌手、畫家、小說家、詞曲創作等多重身分的李歐納.柯恩,在國際文壇與樂壇都備受尊崇。《渴望之書》集結柯恩二十多年來的詩作以及插畫,其作品的渲染力來 自於他追尋文字極致之美的執著,他他會在寫完之後重複檢視歌詞的每一行、每一個字,花上幾年時間修改、直到成熟為止。他說,有時候覺得應該為一首歌寫十個 不同的版本,才能淬煉出最好的成果,而即使是瞬間靈感,他也要等一等,確定這真的是好東西再說。
與柯恩同為舉足輕重的跨界先鋒的菲利普. 格拉斯,創作舞台觸及交響樂、戲劇、歌劇、舞蹈、劇場各領域,其音樂在聲音之外,賦予聽者蒙太奇的畫面想像,構成他作品直入人心的魅力。《渴望之書》 2007年6月於多倫多光影藝術節首演後即引起廣大迴響,紐約時報稱讚為「夢幻組合!格拉斯近年來最豐富、出色的作品。」
1967 年,那個文化思潮澎湃、隨處皆可聽見搖滾樂的年代,李歐納‧科恩以他獨特的個人魅力和性感的嗓音,迷煞無數樂迷。身份多重的他,一共發表了兩部小說、十本 詩集、和十六張音樂專輯,在文學及音樂上的卓越成就,讓李歐納成為六○年代裡,最具原創性也是最經得起考驗的藝人。著作《美麗失敗者》中文版在2003年 問世;集結眾多搖滾歌手,向他致敬的音樂傳記片《我是你的男人》也在2006年發表。
作曲/Philip Glass
歌詞與影像/Leonard Cohen
音樂指導/Michael Riesman
歌者/Dominique Plaisant, Tara Hugo, Will Erat, Daniel Keeling
室內樂團/Philip Glass, Gloria Justen, Gail Kruvand, Megan Marolf, Michael Riesman, Mick Rossi, Andrew Sterman, Wendy Sutter
曲 目:Prologue—I Can’t Make the Hills, I Came Down from the Mountain, A Sip of Wine, Want to Fly, The Light Came Through the Window, Puppet Time, G-d Opened My Eyes, You Go Your Way, I Was Doing Something, Not a Jew, How Much I Love You, Babylon, I Enjoyed the Laughter, This Morning I Woke Up Again, I Want to Love You Now, Don’t Have the Proof, The Night of Santiago, Mother Mother, You Came to Me This Morning, I Am Now Able, Roshi’s Very Tired, Epilogue—Merely A Prayer