2018年11月3日 星期六

Curious Pursuits;拾好奇心:Curious: The Desire to Know and Why Your Future Depends On It讓你不會被機器取代的關鍵

Curious: The Desire to Know and Why Your Future Depends On It
作者: 伊恩‧萊斯里  
原文作者: Ian Leslie
譯者: 林威利







  104人力銀行總經理 洪廣禮──專文推薦









  「奧美創辦人大衛‧奧格威深信,最棒的廣告寫手之所以特出的原因是因為──他們對天底下的任何事物都有永不滿足的好奇心。時至今日,正如伊恩所見,越來越多的企業都需要配備與廣告人相同的高度好奇心。伊恩在這本傑出的書當中告訴我們:最顯而易見的想法都已經被實現了,那麼我們能做的就只剩下去開發新的事物了。」──羅利‧蘇德蘭(Rory Sutherland),奧美集團英國區副總裁






  專事寫作心理學、社會趨勢及政治相關文章,作品散見於美國網路雜誌《Slate》、《經濟學人》、《衛報》、《泰晤士報》及英國文學雜誌《格蘭塔》(Granta),曾出版過《不說謊,我們活不下去!》(Born Liars)一書,現居倫敦。





推薦序──104人力銀行總經理 洪廣禮

第一章    三趟旅程
第二章    好奇心由何生起
第三章    謎題與玄秘

第四章    好奇心的三個階段
第五章    好奇心的紅利
第六章    疑問的力量
第七章    理解的重要性

第八章    保持好奇的七種方法



Curious Pursuits Hardcover – May, 2005
by Margaret Atwood

In 2004 Atwood wrote a review for The Times entitled, 'Uncovered: an American Iliad', that commends Robert Bringhurst's A Story as Sharp as a Knife: The ...

A Story as Sharp as a Knife: The Classical Haida Mythtellers and Their World (Masterworks of the Classical Haida Mythtellers) Second Edition

The Haida world is a misty archipelago a hundred stormy miles off the coasts of British Columbia and Alaska. For a thousand years and more before the Europeans came, a great culture flourished in these islands. The masterworks of classical Haida sculpture, now enshrined in many of the world's great museums, range from exquisite tiny amulets to magnificent huge housepoles. Classical Haida literature is every bit as various and fine. It extends from tiny jewels crafted by master songmakers to elaborate mythic cycles lasting many hours.

The linguist and ethnographer John Swanton took dictation from the last great Haida-speaking storytellers, poets and historians from the fall of 1900 through the summer of 1901. His Haida hosts and colleagues had been raised in a wholly oral world where the mythic and the personal interpenetrate completely. They joined forces with their visitor, consciously creating a great treasury of Haida oral literature in written form. Poet and linguist Robert Bringhurst has worked for many years with these century-old manuscripts, which have waited until now for the broad recognition they deserve.

Bringhurst brings these works to life in the English language and sets them in a context just as rich as the stories themselves--one that reaches out to dozens of Native American oral literatures, and to mythtelling traditions around the globe.

The world of classical Haida literature is a world as deep as the ocean, as close as the heart and as elusive as the Raven, whose unrepentant laugh persists within it all. This is a tradition brimming with profundity, hilariy and love. It belongs where Bringhurst sees it: among the great traditions of the world.

Bringhurst, an acclaimed typographer and book designer, will be redesigning this edition in a beautiful new package.

"Bringhurst's achievement is gigantic, as well as heroic. It's one of those works that rearranges the inside of your head -- a profound meditation on the nature of oral poetry and myth, and on the habits of thought and feeling that inform them." (Margaret Atwood)

"The brilliant analysis of myth and culture will find its place alongside such popular investigations as Radin's The Trickster... A Story as Sharp as a Knife will make academics tremble with jealousy and students of myth-telling shiver with excitement." (Books in Canada)

"Bringhurst's accomplishment is beyond praise... A Story as Sharp as a Knife merits a wide readership and a passionate response. It also deserves to win every literary award in sight." (Montreal Gazette)

"One of the most important books to grace Canadian literature in many years." (Maclean's)

"Once in a while a book appears that changes the way we see things. This is such a book. Bringhurst reclaims an extraordinary body of literature and teaches us to hear its sinewy, haunting music. In the process, he rewrites North American literary history and lays a depth charge in the assumptions of cultural anthropology. Rigorous and enchanting, a Story as Sharp as a Knife is a superb adventure of the mind and imagination. I couldn't put it down." (Dennis Lee Dennis Lee)

Uncovered: an American Iliad

A century after they died, two North American Native poets are given voice in an heroic translation. The result, says Margaret Atwood, is a timeless epic

February 28 2004, 12:00am, The Times

Suppose you grow up in a culturally rich and economically stable society. All around you are the vividly carved symbols of the invisible spirits that inform your dealings with the natural and human worlds. Living inside your village is like living inside a Norman cathedral, crossed with a medieval castle, crossed with a network of Stonehenge ley lines. Your ancestry in all its intricate twists and turns and its relation to the spirit world is posted — literally — outside your home, like a wooden, vertical coat of arms. This is an oral society: it has a highly developed system of signs, but it does not have writing as such.

As in any culture, children are gifted in different ways. You have a talent for…

