2018年11月7日 星期三

The Upright Brush: Yan Zhenqing's Calligraphy and Song Literati Politics《中正之筆,顏真卿書法與宋代文人政治》

顏真卿(709年-785年),字清臣,雍州萬年縣(今陝西省西安市),祖籍琅邪郡臨沂縣(今山東省臨沂市),唐朝政治家、書法家。其楷書與歐陽詢、柳公權、趙孟頫並稱「 ...

謝謝Ben Chen
作者簡介:倪雅梅(Amy McNair),芝加哥大學博士,美國堪薩斯大學教授,主要研究書法史。

Hanching Chung 原書封面的漢字是"忠義"。有點搞不懂副標題,因為各章標題似乎是顏傳。


In the history of Chinese calligraphy, few are more famous than the eighth-century statesman Yan Zhenqing (709-785). His style is still taught today as a standard, and Chinese bookstores the world over stock inexpensive reproductions of his works for sale as copybooks.
Yet Yan's style cannot be called conventionally attractive. "Correct," "severe," "serious," "forceful" are terms habitually applied to describe his writing--rarely has his calligraphy been called graceful or beautiful. How, then, did Yan earn such an eminent place in the history of art?
In The Upright Brush, Amy McNair argues for the political rather than purely aesthetic basis for Yan Zhenqing's artistic reputation. She shows how his prominent position was made for him in the eleventh century by a handful of influential men who sought to advance their own position by associating themselves with Yan's reputation for uprightness. Equating style with personality, they adopted Yan's calligraphic style as a way to clothe themselves in his persona.
Sophisticated, informed, and intelligent, The Upright Brush illuminates an episode (one of many) in the history of Chinese culture where the creative reinterpretation of the past was used for contemporary political means. It will be eagerly welcomed by all scholars of Chinese culture and history, as well as by those interested in the making and reading of art.

The Upright Brush: Yan Zhenqing's Calligraphy and Song Literati Politics Paperback – February 1, 1998

  • Paperback: 198 pages
  • Publisher: University of Hawaii Press (February 1, 1998)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0824820029



 发表于 2018-11-5 10:24 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励
作者: [美]倪雅梅
出版社: 江蘇人民出版社
副標題: 顏真卿書法與宋代文人政治
原作名: The Upright Brush:Yan Zhenqing'sCalligraphy and Song Literati Politics
譯者: 楊簡茹譯 / 祝帥校譯
出版年: 2018-10
裝幀: 平裝
叢書: 海外中國研究叢書
ISBN: 9787214223050


作者簡介:Amy McNair isprofessor of Chinese Art at the University of Kansas. Her previous publicationsinclude Donors of Longmen: Faith,Politics, and Patronage in Medieval Chinese Buddhist Sculpture.



第一章  書法中的政治
第二章  顏真卿的顯赫家世和早年生涯
第三章  “巢傾卵覆”:安史之亂
第四章  安史之亂後朝廷的朋黨政治
第五章  從道教碑文到道教仙人
第六章  佛教徒的同道與紀念活動
第七章  顏真卿的晚年風格
第八章  儒家殉道者


