《约翰‧克利斯朵夫》Jean-Christophe 譯者弁言《羅曼‧羅蘭傳》
羅曼·羅蘭傳羅曼·羅蘭傳作者: 斯蒂芬·茨威格(奧)
The Seminary Co-op Bookstores
In our first Notables selection, philosophers not only interpret the world, but also attempt to change it. Start by questioning the very opposition of "Action versus Contemplation." Then consider an argument that Plato could enrich the critique of capital, a Machiavellian critique of Machiavelli scholarship that recovers the egalitarian and populist dimensions of his thought, Martha Nussbaum on the politics of affect in the Trump era, and reflections on when we accept or oppose pointless suffering. http://ow.ly/d3wH30mN43T
Featuring the University of Chicago Press, Harvard University Press, Princeton University Press, and Simon & Schuster