2020年4月3日 星期五

美國最大報業連鎖企業GCI - Gannett Co Inc 將安排261家報紙的員工無薪休假

https://www.reuters.com/companies/GCI  案:又可參考其2020年股價慘跌
GCI - Gannett Co Inc Profile | Reuters
www.reuters.com › companies › GCI

Gannett Co., Inc., formerly New Media Investment Group Inc., is a digitally focused media and marketing solutions company. The Company operates in the United States with 260 daily newspapers plus the USA TODAY. In the United Kingdom, The Company’s Newsquest division has more than 150 local media brands and a network of Websites. It sells digital products across its brands, which include ThriveHive, ReachLocal, Wordstream and sweetIQ. It also owns and operates high school athlete recognition program in the United States. It also produces endurance events in North America. ...
Shares Out (MIL)‎: ‎122.72
Forward P/E‎: ‎17.55
Market Cap (MIL)‎: ‎781.71



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美國最大的報業連鎖企業Gannett Co. (GCI)周一表示,將開始對261家報紙的員工實施無薪休假,以緩解該公司因冠狀病毒疫情而面臨的財務壓力。
該公司報業部門首席執行長Paul Bascobert在一份致員工的備忘錄中寫道,該公司預計在此期間收入將大幅下降,需要迎頭應對這種情況。

