2020年4月11日 星期六

“minimum vital income (IVM) bridge”基本收入

The Government proposes a provisional minimum vital income until it can approve a permanent


The Government has proposed to unions and NGOs the urgent implementation of a provisional minimum vital income that protects the most vulnerable people and which it calls “minimum vital income (IVM) bridge” until a permanent measure can be articulated, according to The Vice Presidency for Social Rights and for the 2030 Agenda assured in a statement.
Thus, he points out that the vice president of Social Rights and for the 2030 Agenda, Pablo Iglesias; the Minister of Labor and Social Economy, Yolanda Diaz; and the Minister of Inclusion, Social Security and Migration, Jose Luis Escriva, held meetings on Thursday with the unions Comisiones Obreras and UGT, and with the organizations of the Third Sector Caritas, Cermi, Oxfam, AEPN, Facua and the Third Sector Platform .
The Executive recognizes that the technical guarantees and the high degree of political, social and institutional consensus that the development of the IMV requires could imply an approximate term of three months for its approval. For this reason, it defends the advisability of implementing, as a matter of urgency, a Minimum Bridge Vital Income (IMVP) that guarantees that the most vulnerable people have income with which to face this crisis.
In any case, it ensures that the coalition government maintains its commitment, included in the government’s program, to implement a permanent Minimum Living Income (LTM).
However, he points out that the Covid-19 crisis has revealed that it is necessary to act now so that vulnerable people are not left behind in this emergency. Therefore, the Government urgently wants to approve a Minimum Bridge Vital Income that remains in force until the approval of the final IMV and “thus completes the social shield that the Government is building so that no one is left unprotected in this crisis.”

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