2020年4月9日 星期四

Kim Jiyoung, Born 1982

Cho Nam Joo,Kim Jiyoung, Born 1982,世界文學,趙南柱《82年生的金智英》:我是金智英,1982年生。

South Korea: The author Cho Nam-Joo continues to make waves with her 2016 novel “Kim Jiyoung, Born 1982.” Celebrated and criticized in almost equal measure, the novel ignited a nationwide conversation about gender inequality.


Kim Ji-young, Born 1982 - Wikipedia
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Kim Ji-young, Born 1982 (Korean: 82년생 김지영) is a fiction novel by Cho Nam-joo. A former scriptwriter for TV programs, Cho took two months to write the story as according to her, the title character "Kim Ji-young's life isn't much different from ...

