2012年6月2日 星期六


至於海洋科學鑽探對我個人的影響?二十五年前讀了一本由布里格斯(Peter Briggs)所寫、今日世界出版社翻譯成中文發行的「陸移海轉」這本書,深深被書中所描寫莫荷計畫的來龍去脈以及深海鑽探計畫最初幾個鑽探航次的精采情 節所吸引,而決定走上海洋研究一途,並跑到書中一再提及的史克瑞普斯海洋研究所深造。如今教書、做研究,回想起來,可真要說:「作夢都想不到,一本描寫海 洋鑽探研究的小書,竟影響了我的事業生涯!」海洋科學鑽探


 南極的故事》_沙利文著_今日世界社出版 1976, 4th


White land of adventure; the story of the Antarctic
Bib ID 648499
Format BookBook
Sullivan, Walter
Description New York, Whittlesey House [1957]
224 p. illus. 21 cm. 
An abridged ed. of the author's Quest for a continent.




What's New in Science (Fred Reinfeld 1960) 科學新發現

書名 What's New in Science
Worthwhile Sterling paperbacks第 807 卷
作者 Fred Reinfeld
出版者 Sterling Publishing Company, 1960
頁數 204 頁

n an extremely compact text, this book embraces nine areas of science: electronics, surface travel, medicine and mental health, sound and light, space, atomics, television, meteorology, and oceanography.. It deals with new developments in these fields and experiments which indicate new trends.

Fred Reinfeld - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fred_Reinfeld - 頁庫存檔 - 翻譯這個網頁
Fred Reinfeld was one of the most prolific authors in history, having written or ..... New York, 1964); What's New in Science (Sterling, New York, 1960); Young ...

  科學新發現  香港:今日世界 1963


 Mohole, Project, program proposed in 1957 to drill a hole down to the boundary between the crust and the mantle, known as the Mohorovičić discontinuity at about 4 to 43 mi (7 to 70 km) below the earth's surface. Initiated by the American Miscellaneous Society, a loose organization of scientists, the main purposes of the project were to determine the nature of this boundary and to attempt to fill gaps in the geologic record from samples of the rocks encountered. The technology of such a project, however, was beyond the state of drilling technology at that time. Groups such as the National Science Foundation and the National Academy of Science eventually backed phase 1, in which five holes were drilled off the coast of Mexico, the most successful entering 601 ft (183 m) into the ocean floor under 2.2 mi (3.5 km) of water. The project was abandoned by 1966, as funding to support the ever-increasing costs of the project failed to gain congressional approval. Nevertheless, ship positioning and design, along with deepwater drilling technology developed for Project Mohole, were employed in the Deep Sea Drilling Project and future drilling projects.

Wikipedia 更詳細Project Mohole.

