2022年4月29日 星期五

Nobel prize in literature: Olga Tokarczuk and Peter Handke(彼得‧漢克) win.《與大師對話 彼得‧韓德克》by Ben Naparstek,黃建功譯

《與大師對話 彼得‧韓德克》by Ben Naparstek,黃建功譯,



'Deserving winner'

One Nobel Committee for Literature member, Henrik Peterson, has argued that Handke is "radically unpolitical" in his writing, and his support for the Serbs has been misunderstood.

Mr Petersen is not the only committee member to defend Handke.

Rebecka Kärde said she didn't want to "apologise for the hair-raising things that Handke has undoubtedly said and done".

But she continued: "The Nobel committee must read the texts on Yugoslavia among another 70 works written over a period of 50 years. Which we did."

They concluded that the author of books including Repetition, My Year in the No-Man's-Bay and Die Obstdiebin "absolutely deserves a Nobel Prize".

She added: "When we give the award to Handke, we argue that the task of literature is other than to confirm and reproduce what society's central view believes is morally right."

AFP News Agency

Polish writer Olga Tokarczuk has won the 2018 Nobel Literature Prize, which was delayed over a sexual harassment scandal, while Austrian novelist and playwright Peter Handke took the 2019 award.
Full story: http://u.afp.com/JRaQ


Nobel prize in literature: Olga Tokarczuk and Peter Handke win – live

'Central Europeans don’t use a classical linear narrative [because] we don’t have such a history. Our perception is different'
Read our interview last year with Olga Tokarczuk, the newly named winner of the 2018 Nobel Prize for Literature, here:


Olga Tokarczuk: ‘It’s time for us to look at Poland’s relationship with the Jews’

The Nobel Prize in Literature 2019 was awarded to Peter Handke "for an influential work that with linguistic ingenuity has explored the periphery and the specificity of human experience."
To cite this section
MLA style: The Nobel Prize in Literature 2019. NobelPrize.org. Nobel Media AB 2019. Thu. 10 Oct 2019. <https://www.nobelprize.org/prizes/literature/2019/summary/>

波蘭作家Olga Tokarczuk獲諾貝爾文學獎!
瑞典學院表示,頒予 Olga Tokarczuk 是因為「其敘事想像,連同匯聚萬千的熱情,表現出以生命作為形式的越界行為。(for a narrative imagination that with encyclopedic passion represents the crossing of boundaries as a form of life.)」 ⋯⋯更多

奧爾嘉·朵卡萩(波蘭語:Olga Tokarczuk,1962年1月29日-),是當代中最受人矚目,也是最暢銷的波蘭作家之一[1][2] ,特別以神話、民間傳說、史詩、與當代波蘭生活景致風格著稱。


她也參加過2010年愛丁堡書展,討論著作《太古和其他的時間》和其他作品。2015年,朵卡萩以《Księgi Jakubowe》贏得尼刻獎。2015年,朵卡萩贏得德國-波蘭國際友誼橋獎[3][4][5]。



1989: Miasta w lustrach, Kłodzko: Okolice. ("Cities in Mirrors")
1993: Podróż ludzi księgi. Warszawa: Przedświt. ("The Journey of the Book-People")

1999: E. E. Warszawa: PIW.
1996: Prawiek i inne czasy. Warszawa: W.A.B. ("Primeval and Other Times". Translated by Antonia Lloyd-Jones. Twisted Spoon Press, ISBN 978-80-86264-35-6)
1997: Szafa. Lublin: UMCS. ("The Wardrobe")
1998: Dom dzienny, dom nocny. Wałbrzych: Ruta. (House of Day, House of Night. Translated by Antonia Lloyd-Jones. Granta, ISBN 1-86207-514-X; Northwestern University Press, ISBN 978-0-8101-1892-8)
2000 (with Jerzy Pilch and Andrzej Stasiuk): Opowieści wigilijne. Wałbrzych: Ruta/Czarne ("Christmas Tales")
2000: Lalka i perła. Kraków: Wydawnictwo Literackie. ("The Doll and the Pearl")
2001: Gra na wielu bębenkach. Wałbrzych: Ruta. ("Playing on Many Drums")
2004: Ostatnie historie. Kraków: Wydawnictwo Literackie. ("The Last Stories").
2006: Anna w grobowcach świata. Kraków: Znak. ("Anna in the Tombs of the World").
2007: Bieguni. Kraków: Wydawnictwo Literackie. ("Flights". Translated by Jennifer Croft. Fitzcarraldo, ISBN 978-1-9106-9543-2).
2009: Prowadź swój pług przez kości umarłych. Kraków: Wydawnictwo Literackie. ("Drive Your Plow Over the Bones of the Dead")
2012: Moment niedźwiedzia. ("The Moment of the Bear").
2014: Księgi Jakubowe. Kraków: Wydawnictwo Literackie. ("Jacob's Scriptures").
2018: Opowiadania Bizarne. Kraków: Wydawnictwo Literackie. (Bizarre Stories).[24]

オルガ・トカルチュク(ポーランド語: Olga Tokarczuk [ɔlga tɔˈkart͡ʂuk] , 1962年1月29日 - )はポーランドの小説家[1]、エッセイスト。スレフフ出身。


『昼の家、夜の家』 小椋彩 訳 2010年 白水社
『逃亡派』 小椋彩 訳 2014年 白水社



Olga Tokarczuk: the dreadlocked feminist winner the Nobel needed

‘In Insulting the Audience (1966), the play that brought him fame at the age of 23, he called the audience “dirty Jews”, “Nazi pigs” and many things besides. Thirty years later, after he took up the cause of Serbian independence, condemned Nato intervention in the former Yugoslavia, compared the Serbs to Jews under the Third Reich, doubted the authenticity of reports of massacres in Srebrenica and elsewhere, received various honours from the Serbian government, and gave a eulogy before a crowd of 20,000 at Slobodan Milosevic’s funeral, the vector of insult was mightily reversed. It seemed that all the warmth and admiration that had fallen to Handke over the course of his career had disappeared into thin air. Alain Finkielkraut called him an “ideological monster”. Salman Rushdie nominated him “International Moron of the Year” for 1999. Susan Sontag said that there were many many people who would never pick up one of his books again.’

Leland de la Durantaye on Peter Handke, from the archive.

LRB · Leland de la Durantaye · Taking Refuge in the Loo

"2019年的獎項頒給奧地利作家 Peter Handke ,惹來不少批評,因為在南斯拉夫九十年代內戰中,他支持塞爾維亞,包括否認波斯尼亞的斯雷布雷尼察的種族屠殺,記為是波斯尼亞穆斯林社群自己屠殺自己,然後嫁禍塞族。
至於文學造詣上,沒人否認 Handke 的能力,甚至說如非他惹人爭議的政治立場,他早就奪得諾貝爾獎。"

力挺南斯拉夫強人引爭議 https://www.plurk.com/p/niu6h8
漢德克2006年還曾參加南斯拉夫前總統米洛塞維奇Slobodan Milosevic的葬禮,並在致詞中替這名犯下戰爭罪、種族屠殺罪的塞爾維亞民族主義者辯護。
漢德克因此受到各方批評,2014年他前往挪威領取全球著名戲劇獎項「國際易卜生獎」The International Ibsen Award時,受到示威者列隊抗議,痛斥他是「法西斯主義者」、「否定種族滅絕者」代表作包括劇作《冒犯觀眾》Offending the Audience、小說《守門員的焦慮》Die Angst des Tormanns beim Elfmeter、《左撇子女人》The Left-Handed Woman、《夢外之悲》Wunschloses Ungluck,以及擔任過《戀夏絮語》Les beaux jours d'Aranjuez、《慾望之翼》Wings of Desire、《歧路》The Wrong Move等電影的編劇漢德克馳騁文壇半個多世紀,被視作「德語文學活著的經典」。2004年,奧地利女作家葉利尼克Elfriede Jelinek獲得諾貝爾文學獎時,也不忘向他致敬:「漢德克比我更有資格獲獎。」
諾貝爾文學獎得主10日在瑞典首都斯德哥爾摩揭曉,漢德克Peter Handke膺此殊榮,其獲獎理由是:「運用語言的獨創性產出深具影響力的作品,探索周遭環境與人類經驗的獨特性。」1942年,歐洲正處於第二次世界大戰的戰火之中,彼得‧漢德克當年出生於納粹德國所佔領的奧地利生父是納粹德軍...原本居住東德,他早期與母親和繼父一同生活,根據漢德克的自傳中描述,因為繼父的酗酒,使他厭惡可能致癮的事物。https://www.cna.com.tw/news/acul/201910110007.aspx
漢德克著名的作品包括具有爭議性的劇本「冒犯觀眾」,以及小說「守門員的焦慮」,並且也在1987年,與德國導演文溫德斯Wim Wenders合作編寫電影「慾望之翼」Wings of Desire的劇本;漢德克於1978年所導演的電影「左撇子女人」也曾經入圍坎城影展最佳影片。 https://www.storm.mg/article/1814416

長尾猴般爬上書櫃頂層(阿貓不要學),翻出這本 Peter Handke (彼得‧韓德克)哀悼母親的微自傳《夢外之悲》(時報出版、1995), Peter Handke寫母親自殺的過程,以及他奔喪時彷如解脫的舒適感,然而並不真的如此 。這本書對照羅蘭‧巴特情意綿綿的《哀悼日記》,一如峻嶺;一如深海。當年有新書就搶著買,怕漏看了會怎麼著,囫圇吞結果像腦袋篩孔太大,讀過的成了奔騰金沙。

上圖:2019年諾貝爾文學獎得主:Peter Handke(彼得‧漢克) Foto: Wolfgang Zac


Po Hwa Lin

今年諾貝爾文學獎得主Peter Handke的小説《守門員的焦慮》,這一次我真的開始讀了。







'A troubling choice': authors criticise Peter Handke's controversial Nobel win

