2024年8月14日 星期三

Notes From a Parisian Kitchen我永遠不會後悔在巴黎廚房的時光;這比坐在倫敦的辦公桌前思考自己想做什麼還要好。巴黎侍者 A Waiter in Paris: Adventures in the Dark Heart of the City



A Waiter in Paris: Adventures in the Dark Heart of the City,語言:英文,ISBN:9781639362837,頁數:384,作者:Chisholm, Edward,出版日期:2022/


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晚上 8 點左右,經過八個小時不間斷的活動後,不斷看到人們做著兩件你最想做卻被禁止做的事情——坐下來吃飯——會變成一種折磨人的景象。服務生會留意未觸及的盤子;三明治先生?*,半塊牛排,也許還有一杯未喝的酒。所有這些都可以足夠快地消耗掉,以免引起管理層的懷疑。但更多時候,是隱藏在陶器中的麵包捲提供了我們的日常食物,讓我們度過了最後的時光。

終於搭地鐵回家了。由於筋疲力盡,我會在凌晨 2 點左右吃一頓簡單的晚餐,短暫淋浴,然後上床睡覺。


*A croque monsieur is a hot sandwich made with ham and cheese. The name is French for "crunchy gentleman." Croque monsieur. A croque monsieur. Type, Sandwich.

作者介紹. 作者簡介 艾德華.奇索姆Edward Chisholm 出生於英國

Notes From a Parisian Kitchen

出生於英國Around 8 p.m., after eight hours of nonstop activity, the constant sight of people doing the two things you wanted to do most but were forbidden from doing — sitting down and eating — would become a torturous sight. Waiters would be on the lookout for half-touched plates; croque-monsieurs, half a steak, perhaps a glass of unfinished wine. All could be consumed quick enough so as to not arouse managerial suspicion. But more often than not it was the bread rolls hidden among the crockery that provided our daily sustenance and got us through until the close.

Finally, the Metro trip home. Exhausted, I’d have a quick dinner around 2 a.m., a brief shower and then to bed.

I’ll never regret my time in this Paris kitchen; it was better than sitting at a desk in London, wondering what I wanted to do with my life.多塞特,二○一二 ... ©博

