2024年8月14日 星期三

Philosophy Now (August/September 2024 (Issue 163. theme is ‘The Politics of Freedom’. ))As always, it is a riot of ideas. articles on Stoicism and anger, on authenticity (and its relationship to absurdity!), reviews of two new books by Thomas Nagel,


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同樣在第163 期中,我們有關於斯多葛主義和憤怒、關於真實性(及其與荒謬的關係!)的文章、對托馬斯·內格爾的兩本新書的評論,以及對大衛·休謨的經典《人性論》的遲來的評論。加上關於尼采的訪談; Ray Tallis 撰寫的關於原子論在現代物理學中的地位的專欄,以及 Massimo Pigliucci 撰寫的關於伊壁鳩魯主義的專欄;關於薩特和波伏娃的存在主義連環漫畫;詩;小說;等等。一如既往,這是一個思想的狂歡。


Philosophy Now

August/September 2024 (Issue 163)
Issue 163’s theme is ‘The Politics of Freedom’.

We have five lively essays on different topics connected with freedom within society. There’s a history of freedom and the state since the Enlightenment; there is an article on value pluralism, and one on why people may still feel unfree even within liberal democracies.

Then there are two articles – one on each side of the debate – about whether imprisonment is still a good way to deal with those who break the law.
Also in Issue 163, we have articles on Stoicism and anger, on authenticity (and its relationship to absurdity!), reviews of two new books by Thomas Nagel, and a rather belated review of David Hume’s classic “Treatise of Human Nature”. Plus an interview about Nietzsche; columns by Ray Tallis on the status of atomism within modern physics, and Massimo Pigliucci on Epicureanism; an Existential Comics strip on Sartre and de Beauvoir; poetry; fiction; and more. As always, it is a riot of ideas.
August/September 2024 (Issue 163)
Issue 163’s theme is ‘The Politics of Freedom’.

We have five lively essays on different topics connected with freedom within society. There’s a history of freedom and the state since the Enlightenment; there is an article on value pluralism, and one on why people may still feel unfree even within liberal democracies.

Then there are two articles – one on each side of the debate – about whether imprisonment is still a good way to deal with those who break the law.
Also in Issue 163, we have articles on Stoicism and anger, on authenticity (and its relationship to absurdity!), reviews of two new books by Thomas Nagel, and a rather belated review of David Hume’s classic “Treatise of Human Nature”. Plus an interview about Nietzsche; columns by Ray Tallis on the status of atomism within modern physics, and Massimo Pigliucci on Epicureanism; an Existential Comics strip on Sartre and de Beauvoir; poetry; fiction; and more. As always, it is a riot of ideas.

