2024年8月16日 星期五

Philip Larkin 1922~1985 《菲利浦 拉金詩選 》河北教育 2003

 希尼詩 (Seamus Heaney 1939-2013) 其人、文集、訪談He rubbed shoulders with a constellation of great poets: Ted Hughes, Czeslaw Milosz, Philip Larkin,


Philip Larkin was born #OTD in 1922. Seamus Heaney wrote this poem about him to be featured in a memorial volume after his death in 1985. Larkin was a poet who kept a 9-5 job as a librarian. In this poem, Heaney takes on the voice of Larkin. He weaves lines from Dante's Inferno II into a scene where he imagines meeting the shade of the poet making the journey back from work.
Image Description: A portrait of Philip Larkin. He is dressed in a suit standing against a wall. There is a bookcase behind him. The text reads: The Journey Back
Larkin’s shade surprised me. He quoted Dante:
‘Daylight was going and the umber air
Soothing every creature on the earth,
Freeing them from their labours everywhere.
I alone was girding myself to face
The ordeal of my journey and my duty
And not a thing had changed, as rush-hour buses
Bore the drained and laden through the city.
I might have been a wise king setting out
Under the Christmas lights- except that
It felt more like the forewarned journey back
Into the heartland of the ordinary.
Still my old self. Ready to knock one back.
A nine-to-five man who had seen poetry.’
From Seeing Things (1991).
May be a black-and-white image of 1 person and text

