2020年2月5日 星期三

紀念 George Steiner

George Steiner, 2000

本BLOG 有近6篇與 George Steiner 相關的作品。中譯的至少6~7本。

古振峰:【懷念喬治 · 史坦納( 1929,0423 – 2020,0203)】......近日,史坦納推出《一個漫長的星期六》,細說他波瀾壯闊的閱讀生涯,值得一讀再讀!

我:Hanching Chung 2012年9月9日 星期日
Lessons of the Masters
一則G. Steiner的故事:他退休之後但覺生活百般無聊,鄭重思考是否該自己花錢請學生們回來聽課。(參考喬治‧史坦納(George Steiner)『(哈佛諾頓講座之) 大師與門徒』(Lessons of the Masters)邱振訓譯,台北:立緒出版社,2006))

  • Hanching Chung Remembrance Award (1974) for Language and Silence: Essays 1958-1966.
  • Hanching Chung While Steiner generally took things very seriously, he also revealed an unexpected deadpan humor: when he was once asked if he had ever read anything trivial as a child, he replied, Moby-Dick.[6]
  • Hanching Chung 也有; Heidegger by George Steiner, London: Fontana, 1978
  • Hanching Chung .To quote George Steiner on the centrality of the Bible: “What you have in hand is not a book. It is the book. That, of course, is what ‘Bible’ means. It is the book which, not only in Western humanity, defines the concept of a text. All our other books, however different in matter or method, relate, be it indirectly, to this book of books…All other books are inhabited by the murmur of that distant source.” READ more here: https://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/…/the-new-testament-by-
    Penguin Random House
    Penguin Random House

Times Literary Supplement

Heidegger and Arendt, Celan and Benjamin, Sartre and Flaubert, life and literature and deathGeorge Steiner, whose death was announced today, was a longstanding and valued contributor to the TLS. From the 1960s onwards, he wrote myriad reviews and


George Steiner in the TLS

George Steiner in the TLS

Heidegger and Arendt, Celan and Benjamin, Sartre and Flaubert, life and literature and death

George Steiner, 2000
George Steiner, whose death was announced today, was a longstanding and valued contributor to the TLS. From the 1960s onwards, he wrote myriad reviews and essays on European thought and literature. Here are a selection of our pieces by and about him:

