Jacques Derrida, the inventor of “deconstruction”—an ill-defined habit of dismantling texts by revealing their assumptions and contradictions—is one of the most cited modern scholars in the humanities. He is also one of the most controversial, as many find his work to be absurd, vapid and pernicious. The intellectual was born on July 15th 1930
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譬如說,Derrida Dictionary - Continuum
www.continuumbooks.com/books/detail.aspx?BookId...Basic - 頁庫存檔16 Sep 2010 – The Derrida Dictionary is a comprehensive and accessible guide to the world of Jacques Derrida, the founder of deconstruction and one of the ...
The Derrida Dictionary
An A to Z guide to the work and thought of one of the most important and influential European thinkers of the twentieth century.
- Imprint: Continuum
- Series: Continuum Philosophy Dictionaries
- Pub. date: 16 Sep 2010
- ISBN: 9781847065261
Translation Rights Available $29.95 Add to my Catalogue Add to my basket
The Derrida Dictionary is a comprehensive and accessible guide to the world of Jacques Derrida, the founder of deconstruction and one of the most important and influential European thinkers of the twentieth century. Meticulously researched and extensively cross-referenced, this unique book covers all his major works, ideas and influences and provides a firm grounding in the central themes of Derrida's thought. Students will discover a wealth of useful information, analysis and criticism. A-Z entries include clear definitions of all the key terms used in Derrida's writings and detailed synopses of his key works.
The Dictionary also includes entries on Derrida's major philosophical influences and those he engaged with, such as Kant, Hegel, Husserl, Freud, Heidegger, Foucault, Lacan and Levinas. It covers everything that is essential to a sound understanding of Derrida's philosophy, offering clear and accessible explanations of often complex terminology. The Derrida Dictionary is the ideal resource for anyone reading or studying Derrida, deconstruction or modern European philosophy more generally.
The Dictionary also includes entries on Derrida's major philosophical influences and those he engaged with, such as Kant, Hegel, Husserl, Freud, Heidegger, Foucault, Lacan and Levinas. It covers everything that is essential to a sound understanding of Derrida's philosophy, offering clear and accessible explanations of often complex terminology. The Derrida Dictionary is the ideal resource for anyone reading or studying Derrida, deconstruction or modern European philosophy more generally.
Table of Contents
Chronology of Derrida's Life and Works
A-Z Dictionary
A-Z Dictionary
Guide to Further Reading
List of entries
Simon Morgan Wortham,
Simon Morgan Wortham is Professor of English and co-director of the London Graduate School at Kingston University London, UK.
“Simon Morgan Wortham’s Derrida Dictionary is a spectacular intellectual accomplishment. He has amazing mastery of all Derrida’s multitudinous writings (about seventy books, an immense number of articles and interviews). Perhaps the highest praise I can make of this extraordinary and extraordinarily valuable book is that each entry, rather than closing the door on a given Derridean topic, makes you want to go back and read or reread for yourself Archive Fever or Paper Machine or Without Alibi, and all the rest of those seventy books.” – J. Hillis Miller, Distinguished Research Professor of Comparative Literature, University of California, Irvine, USA, author of For Derrida (Fordham, 2009)
“This is no ordinary dictionary. Simon Morgan Wortham provides not only comprehensive, rigorously defined, and well-contextualised terms that cross-reference other terms and books across the corpus of Derrida's work, but in the process offers a lucid exposition of Derrida’s work itself.” – Nicole Anderson, Co-Editor/Founder Derrida Today journal, Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia
“Simon Morgan Wortham’s dictionary is much more than a dictionary; it is, above all, a remarkable collection of short essays on Derrida’s major works and concepts that will serve as valuable introductions to newcomers and useful reminders to those already familiar with Derrida’s writings. Doing full justice to all periods and areas of Derrida’s work, it succeeds in showing both his extraordinary range and the connections and continuities that link his various ventures in thought.” – Derek Attridge, University of York, UK
'Simon Morgan Wortham’s Dictionary is an indispensable tool for anyone entering or continuing to work in theory. For those of us who have been doing so for some time, the Dictionary serves as a reminder of how timely Derrida’s work was and is: a Derrida Dictionary for today and very much for tomorrow.' -- Derrida Today
Stephen Barker
Jacques Derrida's library goes to Princeton
Quel difference! Jacques Derrida's library has landed at Princeton
The personal library of Jacques Derrida, the father of Deconstructionism, has abandoned France for New Jersey.
Princeton has acquired the library, consisting of 13,800 books and other materials. The university took delivery of the materials on March 19.
Derrida, who died in 2004, was a literary critic and philosopher who moved to France from Algeria in 1949. He wrote in French, and he's commonly thought of as a French theorist.
Nevertheless, his library is now in New Jersey. Many of the volumes are full of notes in Derrida's hand. He once explained that his books bear "traces of the violence of pencil strokes, exclamation points, arrows and underlining."
Princeton professor Hal Foster, co-director of the university's Program in Media and Modernity, said in a release, "Derrida developed his own thought through a meticulous engagement with other thinkers, past and present, thinkers who at once constitute the Western traditions of philosophy and literature and defy them (indeed they constitute them in part because they defied them). What a boon it is for us at Princeton to have his notes on these thinkers and writers, to see the master of textuality perform, as it were, on other master texts."
As the Derrida materials are processed, they will be added to the Department of Rare Books and Special Collections at Princeton's Firestone Library, where they will be available to scholars.
2015-04-06 10:59 來自 翻書黨
近日,美國普林斯頓大學圖書館網站發布消息,解構主義大師、當代最重要的哲學家之一、法籍猶太裔學者雅克·德里達的私人圖書館,由法國里斯-奧朗吉斯(Ris Orangis)的德里達私人寓所,轉至美國普林斯頓大學的主圖書館燧石圖書館(Firestone Library)接收。德里達私人圖書館包括13800冊左右的藏書,以及很多其他資料,再現了德里達一生的閱讀和思辨歷程。
法國里斯-奧朗吉斯(Ris Orangis)的德里達私人寓所,藏書一瞥。
雅克·德里達(Jacques Derrida ,1930-2004)被認為是“解構主義”思潮的代表、鼻祖,他在1967年提出這一概念,用以批判產生自語言學的“結構主義”範式。他所獨創的術語延異(la différance)是解構主義理論的核心概念。其著作涉及哲學、文學批評、藝術、建築、語言學及政治理論等多種領域,並深深影響了人們認知世界的方式。
普林斯頓大學的校級特聘歷史學講座教授、前美國歷史學會主席安東尼·格拉夫頓(Anthony Grafton )對於德里達私人圖書館進入普林斯頓大學評論說,這些原創性極強、影響深遠的學者的私人圖書館“為我們展示了這些學者在書桌前對其他偉大頭腦的回應。通過閱讀頁邊的註釋,我們便站在了這些學者的肩膀上,身臨其境地聆聽他和作者的爭論。對於學者和研究者來說,非常棒的地方在於,這些材料將能夠重建德里達在整個人文傳統中的位置”。
這批資料是今年3月19日從巴黎運抵普林斯頓,之前普林斯頓曾派出專家組對這些資料進行清理。目前,這批資料保存在普林斯頓燧石圖書館的“珍本圖書與特別收藏部門”(Department of Rare Books and Special Collections),除了這批珍貴的德里達的私人藏書,這裡還收集了大量的私人藏書及手稿,包括2014年接收的諾貝爾文學獎得主托尼·莫里森、1995年接收的西班牙語世界最出名的散文家及小說家之一卡洛斯·富恩特斯(Carlos Fuentes)的私人藏書及手稿,等等。
