"Insight into the origin of a work concerns the physiologists and vivisectionists of the spirit; never the aesthetic man, the artist!"
― from "On the Genealogy of Morals"
“We are unknown to ourselves, we men of knowledge - and with good reason. We have never sought ourselves - how could it happen that we should ever find ourselves? It has rightly been said: "Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also"; our treasure is where the beehives of our knowledge are.”
― from "On the Genealogy of Morals" by Friedrich Nietzsche
張貼留言 (Atom)
Some Blogs of Hanching Chung
- Jacques Barzun: The Culture We Deserve : A Critiqu...
- Jacques Barzun雅克·巴爾贊 The Culture We Deserve: A Cr...
- 馬悅然、 陳文芬《我的金漁會唱莫札特》
- SPEAK, MEMORY by Vladimir Nabokov
- Roland Barthes 寫《符號帝國》THE EMPIRE OF SIGNS By Rolan...
- 出版界人物:遠景沈登恩(1949─2004) (黃春明等)
- The erotic, macabre art of Virgil Finlay, favorite...
- 童年、故鄉、戰場 (Otto Dix):Es war einmal (1934) By Olaf_G...
- BRAVE NEW WORLD by Aldous Huxley
- The 15 best European and Russian novels of all time
- 梁容若 《大度山雜話》1968《常識與人格》1968;徐復觀《論戰與藝術》曹永洋編1982
- 邵燕祥;章詒和:三千丈清愁鬢髮 五十年春夢繁華
- A Question of Trust 信任的力量/ Building the high-trust...
- 張秀哲《「勿忘臺灣」落花夢》1947/2013
- 劉守宜 ( -1989)《文學雜誌》明華書局
- A Floating Chinaman — Hua Hsu; H. T. Tsiang (1899-...
- 趙元任譯的《阿麗思漫遊奇境記》; 愛麗絲漫遊奇境 (海倫.奧森插圖),
- 《護生畫集》 純文學1981;台中蓮社2003 ;《豐子愷文選》
- Chinese Literature: A Very Short Introduction by S...
- 《罪與罰》 / Crime and Punishment ;《窮人》By Fyodor Dostoe...
- 童軒蓀著《文化城故事》1972;翁立著《北京的胡同》,1992
- 《未名社作品選》: 臺靜農、韋素園、韋叢蕪、李霽野、曹靖華
- 《張充和詩文集》;《春風捎來的問候》Greetings from Fukushima
- Adorno: A Biography. A Conversation with Theodor ...
- 郭靜雲著《夏商周:從神話到史實》《天神與天地之道——巫覡信仰與傳統思想淵源》
- Fauré: Pavane ; Andrew Lloyd Webber's Requiem. Moz...
- 《拾穗月刊》1950-1985? 張思婷「台灣戒嚴時期的翻譯文學與政治」
- 《心靈的慰藉:一部非同尋常的地域與家族史 》Refuge: An Unnatural History...
- Juvenescence : A Cultural History of Our Age;苏薇星的翻譯評論
- 《錯過的時光:哈金詩選》
- The Periodic Table (1975, Levi, Primo , 1919–87)週期表
- MANSFIELD PARK by Jane Austen
- Jacques Derrida's library goes to Princeton / The ...
- 山椒大夫 Sanshō Dayū
- 雷諾茲【皇家美術學院十五講】Discourses on Art, by Joshua Reynolds
- Ingmar Bergman (1918- 2007)
- "Confession" "Where Love Is, God Is" -- an essay b...
- William McNeill (1917-2016)《追求真理:威廉‧麥克尼爾回憶錄》 The P...
- 《徐復觀教授紀念文集》、《中國藝術精神》、《 徐復觀文存》/中國文學論集續編
- Desiderius Erasmus 1466-1536
- "Doctor Zhivago" by Boris Pasternak
- Anna Freud (1895-1982)
- "On the Genealogy of Morals" by Friedrich Nietzsche
- 《東海大學第二屆畢業同學紀念冊》;曹永洋《粒粒活命--胡文池牧師傳》
- Proust's Lasting Appeal. Proust: The Search By Ben...
- 簡白《流轉的夜色》《江戶.東京》;陳從周《蘇州庭園》
- SWANN'S WAY Remembrance Of Things Past, Volume One...
- "Agamemnon" by Aeschylus
- Charles Chaplin:The birth of the Tramp;Modern Time...
- 《梁遇春散文集》《梁遇春散文全編》《春醪集》《淚與笑》
- 許達然主編【台灣當代散文精選 1945--1988】【臺中文學地圖】
- The Dance of Death 《向死而生:哲人小語/哲言集》
- Peter Zarrow《 戰爭與革命交織的近代中國 1895-1949》;潘小松 《書夢依舊》《晚...
- Me Before You
- The Silk Road: Two Thousand Years in the Heart of ...
- 四方田犬彥《日本電影與戰後的神話》
- 音樂創作散記 1 /黃友棣撰;杜鵑花 作詞:蕪軍 作曲:黃友棣
- "The Power of Movies: How Screen and Mind Interact...
- Exercices de style 《風格練習》(1947)
- 《修理匠》The Fixer by Bernard Malamud、鍾玉澄譯
- 陳少聰《永遠的外鄉人》