2020年7月6日 星期一

鈞特.葛拉斯《我的世紀》; Cosmology's Century By P. J. E. Peebles


中文書 , 鈞特.葛拉斯 蔡鴻君 , 時報出版 , 出版日期: 2012-09-24

諾貝爾文學獎得主,於千禧年為世人獻上《我的世紀》這本力作,運用他敏銳多感的敘說方式,鉅細靡遺地描繪 20世紀的時代流變,引領讀者回顧德國百年來的歷史軌跡。 本書中的每個故事都有不同的詮釋者,在這次新出版的圖文版《我的世紀》中,葛拉斯除了化身為...... more

"It's hard to imagine anyone better placed to recount the inside story of modern cosmology. . . . For anyone seriously interested in the ways of science and how we came to understand our place in the Universe, this is essential reading."
—Giles Sparrow,
BBC Sky at Night Magazine
From Nobel Prize–winning physicist P. J. E. Peebles, the story of cosmology from Einstein to today, Cosmology's Century is now available in hardcover and ebook editions. https://bit.ly/2ZDwXHp

