2020年7月27日 星期一

Why the EU is becoming more like a Chekhov play

Rather than ripping up the rule book and starting again, EU officials are following Chekhov’s advice and using the legal weapons already lying about

對契可夫的短篇比較熟,他的主要戲劇其實可能只6部而已,卻比較不熟,所以光看標題"Why the EU is becoming more like a Chekhov play",難以理解,幸虧網路上有解釋。
The phrase “Chekhov’s gun” takes its name from Anton Chekhov, the famed Russian playwright and short story author, who argued that a narrative work should contain no extraneous elements.
As he put it: “If in the first act you have hung a pistol on the wall, then in the following one it should be fired. Otherwise don’t put it there.”
Critics and writers of fiction alike now use this phrase to mean “a seemingly innocuous object introduced early in a work that will later come to have major significance.”

