2020年7月15日 星期三

全集的編輯:韓德爾;George Sand 全集與書信全集;The Collected Works of Samuel Taylor Coleridge, begun forty years ago


Previously unknown to all but a handful of scholars, the manuscripts presented here provide valuable insight into a crucial period of Coleridge’s intellectual development, as he became increasingly dissatisfied with Naturphilosophie and struggled to affirm Trinitarian Christianity on a rational basis. With this volume, The Collected Works of Samuel Taylor Coleridge, begun forty years ago under the sponsorship of the Bollingen Foundation and the editorship of the late Kathleen Coburn, is now complete. Volume 15 is out now in paperback. https://bit.ly/3j3s2s7

George Sand (20卷1990)與 Gustave Flaubert 兩人都是寫信高手。
Gustave Flaubert 的創作過程中的苦心等,都在信件找得到,譬如Vladimir Nabokov 在Lectures on Literature談Madame Bovary.
George Sand 的書信"數萬頁"(65歲:每天平均寫12封信;希望去的星球不知讀書寫信),編集、出版花百年以上。

