多年前我在誠品書局的特價品處買到 :1993 : Britannica, Book of the Year (這種方式 The Economist 還有 不過它是展望來年式(台灣天下雜誌幾年前已有漢譯) 而不是 回顧式)
查一下 Wikipedia 的 Encyclopædia Britannica 項的 Book of the Year: 知道此書可能是最後第2年
Since 1938, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc. has published annually a Book of the Year covering the past year's events, which is available online back to the 1994 edition (covering the events of 1993). The company also publishes several specialised reference works, such as Shakespeare: The Essential Guide to the Life and Works of the Bard (Wiley, 2006).
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