2011年3月27日 星期日


prohibition of books :禁書。詳見 index of forbidden books

Index of Forbidden Books :禁書目錄:教會所正式公佈的有關違反教義或道德之書目,始於 1559 年;此種公佈方式,教廷教義部於 1966 年宣佈取消,但教友仍應依據個人良心的判斷,避免閱讀違反教義及道德之書籍,以免污染靈魂。又稱 prohibition of books

禁書目錄- 维基百科,自由的百科全书

禁書目錄》(拉丁语:Index librorum prohibitorum;英语:List of Prohibited ...

中國禁書史 舉例

戴廷杰(Pierre-Henri Durand)《戴名世年譜》



他翻譯成英文再創作。這給重新翻譯回中文的人一些難題。我認為他除了正式標出原始文件出處外(原注有標號,台灣版的Treason by the Book,卻放棄這作法,變成處於兩難局面)。

Treason by the Book中還有許多沒注文獻出處,可是可能有本的地方,其實給翻譯人大考驗。譬如說,皇帝的批摺中各部位的名稱、太(御)醫診治的過程等等,這些方面大陸版的表現都比較令人滿意。

Since the Chengdu case might leave rumors hovering in the air, rumors that could damage Yue's reputation and encourage doubts in the public's mind about the tranquillity of the region, Emperor Yongzheng also appointed a special investigator from the Ministry of Punishments to travel down to Chengdu and check things out for himself. Arriving in mid-September 1727, the investigator personally questioned the alleged madman, along with his relatives, anyone who had shared lodgings with him, and the members of the patrol that arrested him. The rigorous questioning-some of it under torture-revealed no instigators behind the scenes, and no traces of a concealed plot. It was clear that the madman, Lu, had acted alone while in a delirium caused by a protracted bout of malaria that had lasted over a month, leaving him weakened and desiccated. Lu had no memory at all of his actions in the street on that early August day. If there was any calculation behind his words and actions, it was that he had been driven to a state approaching madness even earlier, during a protracted struggle with the authorities to regain some land he had sold, under duress, to a brutal neighbor. The refusal of the various officials in the countryside where he lived to reopen his case had led Lu at last to Chengdu, in the hopes of catching the attention of the recently appointed general, Yue, who had a reputation for fairness. The investigator in 1727 also clarified some puzzling details in the case: for instance, Lu had been carrying a stone in each hand to drive away the wild dogs that followed him through the streets; the wildness of his gaze sprang from the delirium that fixed his eyes in an unyielding stare; once placed in a cart by the watchmen, to be conveyed to the city jail, all his energy evaporated, and he fell at once into a deep and trancelike sleep.

成都一案的蜚言蜚語可能會四處瀰漫,損及岳鍾琪的聲譽,讓百姓以為天下不靖、四海不寧,於是雍正又從刑部派了一人南下成都,把事件查個水落石出。此人在 1727 年 9 月抵達,暗訪傳言中的瘋漢、與他住在一起的親戚,以及逮捕這名瘋漢的巡街員役。經過嚴厲審訊,間以嚴刑拷打後,證實此事背後並沒有教唆人,也沒有陰謀的跡象。盧宗漢的作為顯然是瘧疾久治不癒,以致心神錯亂,體虛躁熱所致,如今他對於八月初在街上所發生的事已不復記憶。盧宗漢在這前即有瘋癲病症,病因源於受惡鄰所脅而賣地,他想取回部份土地,三番兩次報官,均被歷任官吏給駁回。此時岳鍾琪剛上任未久,素有公正不阿的官聲,盧宗漢最後前往成都,希望能引起岳鍾琪將軍的注意。成都一案中的若干疑點也獲釐清。如盧宗漢兩手握著石頭,意在驅趕野狗;眼神呆滯,乃因精神渙散所致;後來他被巡街員役關進囚車,送往城內大牢,人頓時癱成爛泥一般,隨即便恍惚沈睡。(台灣版)

簡單評說:這翻譯,還是漏掉些細節,譬如說「驅趕野狗」是驅趕一路尾隨他的野狗。…….我談一專有名詞:Watchmen,這通常稱「夜警」,台灣版一致翻譯成:巡街員役,這雖不滿意(中文的原稱呼當然不是如此),不過大陸版卻更不一致:前用「城門官們」,本段用「巡守」,不過翻譯的人忘掉這是指「舊稱天子巡行諸國。經˙舜典:歲二月,東巡守,至于岱宗。左傳˙莊公二十三年:諸侯有王,王有巡守。亦作巡狩。 じゅんしゅ 0 1 【巡狩/巡守】 中国で、天子が諸侯の治める国を視察すること。」

......魯迅《且介亭雜文二集》的《後記》談到1934年國民黨當局的一次較大規模的禁書行動,並附有一份禁書書目,這份書目是根據《大美晚報》登載的一則新聞 ...

國民黨在台灣: 禁書禁歌(六)



