史懷哲 (Albert Schweitzer)自敘: Out of My Life and Thought
《史懷哲自傳──我的生活和思想》 中一段:「歷史中的臺面人物之事功,
2001年 忠樸作書摘。也許作此網頁可紀念 張忠樸 (1950-2002)
亞伯特‧史懷哲(Albert Schweitzer,1875年1月14日-1965年9月4日),德國神學家、哲學家、音樂家和醫學博士。曾放棄在歐洲的優厚待遇遠赴非洲傳教,並在非洲嵐巴瑞建立史懷哲醫院,救死扶傷。被稱為「非洲之父」,並獲得1952年諾貝爾和平獎。1906年出版著名的《歷史耶穌的探索》(The Quest of Historical Jesus) 一書,書中詳細地評論第一次探索第一期歷史耶穌研究(First Quest)中諸學者的研究。他批評眾多學者的研究將福音書中的耶穌弄得面目全非,「耶穌只淪為唯理主義下的人物、由自由主義賦予生命、再被穿上現代神學 的歷史服飾。」 史懷哲認為「我們與耶穌的關係是終極神秘的,人不能用歷史觀察或透過推論思想將耶穌過去的人格轉化為現今的活人。」他更認為整個學術式的耶穌探索是沒有意 思和不切實際的,最重要的是實踐耶穌基督的教訓。此外,史懷哲還是一位著名的管風琴師。他對巴赫的音樂深有研究,在哲學上倡導敬畏生命 (Ehrfurcht vor dem Leben)的世界觀。史懷哲於1965年逝世於非洲的嵐巴瑞。
史懷哲是20世紀傳奇人物。他出生於德屬阿爾薩斯省凱薩斯堡,在昆市巴赫長大。18歲到36歲他在史特拉斯大學先後取得哲學、神學、音樂、醫學四 個博士。29歲秋天的一個清晨,他從一本巴黎傳到雜誌上看到非洲需要醫生,史氏決定回應上帝呼召,進入醫學院苦讀六年並成為一個叢林醫生。
Wikipedia 的 Albert Schweitzer史懷哲
史 懷哲博士是廿世紀人道主義精神的巨擘,在面臨精神價值破滅、人性尊嚴瓦解之際,想起世界上的無數陰暗角落中正有許多無助貧苦的大眾時,人們第一個浮現 在腦海中的恐怕就是那悲天憫人的史懷哲了,他幾乎已成人類愛的代表。史懷哲已是眾人仰望的人類希望之炬,這位大半生獻身非洲,替落後地區貧困黑人治病的哲 人,是如何重重艱難困苦之下,勇往直前,以勵行自己的信念;四十多年之中,他是如何在匱乏和困苦下,一面從事激烈的肉體勞動,一面為遏阻現代文明的沒落而 構思他尊重生命的文明哲學。本書揭示這個奧秘--他的偉大不在滔滔的語論,而在於身體力行。本書是史懷哲以大眾作家流暢的手法所寫的第一本作品,文體簡潔 精妙,史懷哲以生動的文筆,妮妮地道出他行醫非洲,救治無數土人之所見所聞所感,非常有趣的當地土人風俗。
Schweitzer changed many lives and inspired countless others. Yet, in
his autobiography, he wrote these words about the role of great
individuals in shaping the world: "Of all the will toward the ideal in
mankind only a small part can manifest itself in public action. All
the rest of this force must be content with small and obscure deeds.
The sum of these, however, is a thousand times stronger than the acts
of those who receive wide public recognition. The latter, compared to
the former, are like the foam on the waves of a deep ocean." 2
2. Albert Schweitzer, Out of My Life and Thought (New York: New
American Library, 1963), 74.
史懷哲著《原始森林的邊緣》On the Edge of the Primeval Forest ("Zwischen Wasser und Urwald"), Translated by C. T. Campion. A. &C. Black, London 1922.余阿勳(譯自日譯本),1977 初版 /1989年
這本書除原書的11章之外 (約1913-1920 生平), 還有"我的生平"和"童年的回憶"---其中Albert Schweitzer(史懷哲小時,深怕 '額頭長出角來"。 後來他父親安慰他: 只有摩西會之長角....)
Michelangelo's statue
Michelangelo's statue of Moses in the Church of San Pietro in Vincoli, Rome, is one of the most familiar masterpieces in the world. Horns the sculptor included on Moses' head are the result of a mistranslation of the Hebrew Bible into the Latin Vulgate Bible with which he was familiar. The Hebrew word taken from Exodus means either a "horn" or an "irradiation." Experts at the Archaeological Institute of America show that the term was used when Moses "returned to his people after seeing as much of the Glory of the Lord as human eye could stand," and his face "reflected radiance."[123] In early Jewish art, moreover, Moses is often "shown with rays coming out of his head."[124]
Another author explains, "When Saint Jerome translated the Old Testament into Latin, he thought no one but Christ should glow with rays of light — so he advanced the secondary translation.[125][126] However, writer J. Stephen Lang points out that Jerome's version actually described Moses as "giving off hornlike rays," and he "rather clumsily translated it to mean 'having horns.'"[127] It has also been noted that he had Moses seated on a throne, yet Moses was neither a King nor ever sat on such thrones.[128]
忠信兄說, 中國有人將美國某圖書館的《史懷哲論巴赫》送上網呢。
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「八0年代重訪巴蘭倫的高橋功博士,來此向他的老院長(史懷哲)醫生祝敬瞻仰時,醫護人員指著角落的一塊空地說:『高橋先生我們為你預留了一塊地方喔!』高橋噙著淚光,欣然默領這份榮耀。…」」(WWW.DEMING.COM.TW 他們活過──入土為安(2000/01)),寫於1998年7月6日)
並讀到 {史懷哲自傳 ──我的生活和思想 } 中一段:「歷史中的臺面人物之事功,比起默默眾生更可說微不足道,猶如海浪頭之一小泡沫 …… 」
Schweitzer changed many lives and inspired countless others. Yet, in his autobiography, he wrote these words about the role of great individuals in shaping the world: "Of all the will toward the ideal in mankind only a small part can manifest itself in public action. All the rest of this force must be content with small and obscure deeds. The sum of these, however, is a thousand times stronger than the acts of those who receive wide public recognition. The latter, compared to the former, are like the foam on the waves of a deep ocean." 2
2. Albert Schweitzer, Out of My Life and Thought (New York: New American Library, 1963), 74.
シュヴァイツァー(Albert Schweitzer 1875~1965)は当時ドイツのアルザスに生まれ、神学者、 |
本館が所蔵する資料はシュヴァイツァー病院で医者として勤務した |
(エントランスホール) |
石膏、長さ23.0cm(左右とも) この手形はシュヴァイツァーの生前にロダンに師事した彫刻家フリ |
Albert Schweitzer – Nobel Lecture
Nobel Lecture, November 4, 1954
The Problem of Peace
它提中國的一些人,又說到康德提「永久和平」的歷史淵 源。(Immanuel Kant (1724-1804), Zum ewigen Frieden (1795). English translation entitled Perpetual Peace (New York: Columbia University Press, 1932); the introduction is by Nicholas Murray Butler, Nobel Peace co-laureate for 1931. )最後引一節聖經。
May the men who hold the destiny of peoples in their hands, studiously avoid anything that might cause the present situation to deteriorate and become even more dangerous. May they take to heart the words of the Apostle Paul: "If it be possible, as much as lieth in you, live peaceably with all men".13 These words are valid not only for individuals, but for nations as well. May these nations, in their efforts to maintain peace, do their utmost to give the spirit time to grow and to act.
羅 馬 書 Romans 12:18 [hb5] 如若可能,應盡力與眾人和睦相處。
[kjv] If it be possible, as much as lieth in you, live peaceably with all men.
[bbe] As far as it is possible for you be at peace with all men.
曹永洋 先生編的《台灣愛鄉土文 李遠哲》等著集 譬如說張清吉先生的用書愛台灣 說明志文出版社成立出叢書之經過