"As is the generation of leaves, so is that of humanity.
The wind scatters the leaves on the ground, but the live timber
Burgeons with leaves again in the season of spring returning.
So one generation of men will grow while another dies."
--from THE ILIAD by Homer
In every century since the renaissance, English speakers have felt compelled to possess a translation written especially for their own time of this great epic poem, the earliest and most central literary text of Western culture. That need has been thoroughly met in our century by the distinguished poet and classicist Robert Fitzgerald, whose version of The Iliad does justice in every way to the fluent vigor and gravity of the Homeric original.
"As is the generation of leaves, so is that of humanity.
The wind scatters the leaves on the ground, but the live timber
Burgeons with leaves again in the season of spring returning.
So one generation of men will grow while another dies."
--from THE ILIAD by Homer
The wind scatters the leaves on the ground, but the live timber
Burgeons with leaves again in the season of spring returning.
So one generation of men will grow while another dies."
--from THE ILIAD by Homer
In every century since the renaissance, English speakers have felt compelled to possess a translation written especially for their own time of this great epic poem, the earliest and most central literary text of Western culture. That need has been thoroughly met in our century by the distinguished poet and classicist Robert Fitzgerald, whose version of The Iliad does justice in every way to the fluent vigor and gravity of the Homeric original.
British Museum
'Let me not then die ingloriously and without a struggle, but let me first do some great thing that shall be told among men hereafter.’
The whole of Homer's #Iliad is being performed in the Great Court today in association with Almeida Theatre. Watch a live stream of it here! http://ow.ly/QTqO1
LINKS 其他人也分享了
Homer's Iliad to become an epic online performance - BBC News
One of the ancient world's longest poems, The Iliad, is set for a marathon performance this summer as part of a festival celebrating ancient Greek culture.
BBC NEWS · 2,564 次分享 · 2015年6月5日
The Iliad
From morning until night, more than 50 artists will be reading individual sections - beginning at the British Museum and culminating on the Almeida stage with the wrath of Achilles.
ALMEIDA.CO.UK · 1,322 次分享 · 2015年6月5日
Get your Greek on with an all-day reading of ‘The Iliad’
More than 60 actors are today taking part in an all-day reading of Homer’s epic poem ‘The Iliad’. The likes of Simon Russell Beale, Simon Callow, Bertie Carvel,...
TIME OUT LONDON · 308 次分享 · 2015年8月14日
British Museum
'Let me not then die ingloriously and without a struggle, but let me first do some great thing that shall be told among men hereafter.’
The whole of Homer's #Iliad is being performed in the Great Court today in association with Almeida Theatre. Watch a live stream of it here! http://ow.ly/QTqO1

LINKS 其他人也分享了

Homer's Iliad to become an epic online performance - BBC News
One of the ancient world's longest poems, The Iliad, is set for a marathon performance this summer as part of a festival celebrating ancient Greek culture.
BBC NEWS · 2,564 次分享 · 2015年6月5日

The Iliad
From morning until night, more than 50 artists will be reading individual sections - beginning at the British Museum and culminating on the Almeida stage with the wrath of Achilles.
ALMEIDA.CO.UK · 1,322 次分享 · 2015年6月5日

Get your Greek on with an all-day reading of ‘The Iliad’
More than 60 actors are today taking part in an all-day reading of Homer’s epic poem ‘The Iliad’. The likes of Simon Russell Beale, Simon Callow, Bertie Carvel,...
TIME OUT LONDON · 308 次分享 · 2015年8月14日
「把荷馬視為一個人物是錯的,」《Why Homer Matters》一書作者表示。
《伊里亞德》(The Iliad)與《奧德賽》(The Odyssey)是西方文明的兩部關鍵作品。但對於其作者、創作年代與創作方式,我們幾乎一無所知。歷史學者與得獎作家 Adam Nicolson 在《Why Homer Matters》一書中提出,我們應該把荷馬視為一個「傳統」而非一個「人」,且這兩部作品的年代比一般認為的還要早上千年。
大概十年前,我跟一個朋友一起出海。我們想來趟大冒險,因此決定沿著英倫群島的西海岸往北航行,沿途造訪各個偏遠島嶼。我帶了一本 Robert Fagles 翻譯的《奧德賽》,那時我已經有大概 25 年沒認真讀過荷馬了。
共有七個地點被指為荷馬的出生地。也有人說他是瞎子。19世紀的諷刺家 Samuel Butler 還寫過一整本書,企圖證明他其實是個「她」。我們究竟知不知道任何關於荷馬的事實?
研究荷馬的知名學者 Bernard Knox 說,人類的狀態 3000 年來都沒有改變。我們依然是暴力的愛好者與受害者,而只要這點沒變,荷馬就會被當成人性最真實的詮釋來閱讀。我們有可能喜歡荷馬但不喜歡暴力嗎?
關鍵出現在《伊里亞德》的尾聲。你已經讀過那些可怕的場景:偉大的希臘戰士阿基里斯(Achilles)殺了特洛伊王子赫克特(Hector),把他的遺體綁在馬車後面拖行,而赫克特的家人就站在城牆上看著這一幕。那可不是什麼優雅的出殯儀式。那是混亂凶殘的一刻,我們讀到時只會滿心驚駭。愛爾蘭大詩人Michael Longley 將《伊里亞德》形容為「一片悲傷的海洋」。我認為一點也沒錯。
撰文:Simon Worrall, National Geographic
今天買本OUP 的World Classics 版 The Iliad ,是1974年Robert Fitzgerald 英譯,導言是G. S. Kirk, 1984
- Homer. 1984. The Iliad. Translated by Fitzgerald, Robert. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1984.
Select bibliography
Note on references, spellings,and pronunciation
- 陳中梅譯。《伊利亞德》。北京:北京燕山出版社,1999。
- 『イーリアス』 土井晩翠訳(冨山房 新版1995年)、戦前に訳された。
- 『イーリアス』 呉茂一訳(旧版 岩波文庫全3巻)、第10回読売文学賞受賞
- 『イリアス』 松平千秋訳(岩波文庫 全2巻、1992年)、2004年に同ワイド版
- 呉訳は七五調を基本とした擬古文で、原文の語法などを生かすことを主眼においている。三巻の翻訳のうち、上巻には、それまでの古典学の解釈の慣例を破り、あえて直訳した箇所などもあり、その苦闘が伺われる。土井訳は終始一貫して日本語の韻文調に訳しており、『イーリアス』の叙事詩としての美しさを伝えようと腐心している。松平訳はこれに対し、現代人にとっての読みやすさを念頭に、原文が韻文であることを敢えて無視し、散文に置き換えている。詳しくは平凡社版の沓掛解説を参照。他に以下がある。
- 呉茂一訳 『世界古典文学全集 1 ホメーロス』 筑摩書房、初版1964年、復刊2005年ほか、各訳文は散文体
- 『筑摩世界文学大系 2 ホメーロス』 筑摩書房、初版1971年、各後者は高津春繁訳「オデュッセイア」
- 高津春繁訳 『イーリアス 愛蔵版』 筑摩書房、1969年
- 小野塚友吉訳 『完訳イリアス』 風濤社、2004年
Iliad, online version of the work by Homer (English). Pope translation.
- Chapman's Homer: The Iliad. Homer; A. Nicoll, ed. George Chapman, trans.
- Chapman's Homer: The Odyssey. Homer; A. Nicoll, ed. George Chapman, trans.
The Iliad
By Homer
Written 800 B.C.E
Translated by Samuel Butler
By Homer
Written 800 B.C.E
Translated by Samuel Butler
The Iliad has been divided into the following sections:
Book I [47k]
Book II [63k]
Book III [36k]
Book IV [42k]
Book V [66k]
Book VI [42k]
Book VII [38k]
Book VIII [44k]Book IX [53k]
Book X [45k]
Book XI [65k]
Book XII [40k]
Book XIII [65k]
Book XIV [43k]
Book XV [57k]
Book XVI [68k]Book XVII [57k]
Book XVIII [48k]
Book XIX [35k]
Book XX [42k]
Book XXI [49k]
Book XXII [44k]
Book XXIII [68k]
Book XXIV [62k]
"The Iliad" is one of the foundational works of Western literature and thought. The story continues to resonate in our time and has been given new life in a translation by distinguished classical scholar Emily Wilson.
PBS NewsHour
"The Iliad" is one of the foundational works of Western literature and thought. The story continues to resonate in our time and has been given new life in a translation by distinguished classical scholar Emily Wilson.
How a translation of 'The Iliad' into modern language reinforces its relevance
How a translation of 'The Iliad' into modern language reinforces its relevance
"The Iliad" is one of the foundational works of Western literature and thought. It’s an old story that continues to resonate in our time and has been given new life in a translation by distinguished classical scholar Emily Wilson. She spoke with Jeffrey Brown in Philadelphia for our arts and cultu...