2020年3月5日 星期四

近萬子孫祭祖桃園葉氏宗親.....《葉:百年動盪中的一個中國家庭 》 Ancestral Leaves:A Family Journey through Chinese History By Joseph W. Esherick


近萬子孫祭祖桃園葉氏宗親3/15決議| 華視新聞20200304

全台最大掃墓陣仗!葉氏祭祖竟破萬人 - MSN
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2019/04/05 - 清明連假第二天,桃園新屋葉氏宗親舉辦祭祖掃墓,每年聚集人潮都超過萬人,各地葉氏子孫從海內外聚集,體會慎終追遠,號稱全台最盛大的掃墓活動。

Ancestral Leaves:A Family Journey through Chinese History

Joseph W. Esherick (Author)

Available worldwide

A Philip E. Lilienthal Book in Asian Studies

University of California Press (February 9, 2011)

Ancestral Leaves follows one family through six hundred years of Chinese history and brings to life the epic narrative of the nation, from the fourteenth century through the Cultural Revolution. The lives of the Ye family—“Ye” means “leaf” in Chinese—reveal the human side of the large-scale events that shaped modern China: the vast and destructive rebellions of the nineteenth century, the economic growth and social transformation of the republican era, the Japanese invasion during World War II, and the Cultural Revolution under the Chinese Communists. Joseph W. Esherick draws from rare manuscripts and archival and oral history sources to provide an uncommonly personal and intimate glimpse into Chinese family history, illuminating the changing patterns of everyday life during rebellion, war, and revolution.


Part I: The Imperial Era

1. Fleeing the Long Hairs
2. Family Roots
3. Father, Son, and Family
4. Rebellion
5. Official Life in the Late Qing
6. A Time of Transitions

Part II: Republican China

7. Doing Business in Tianjin
8. Growing Up in Tianjin
9. Student Life in the 1930s

Part III: The People’s Republic

11. Family Life in New China
12. Hundred Flowers and Poisonous Weeds
13. The Cultural Revolution

Epilogue: After the Deluge

Glossary of Chinese Terms
Selected Ye Family Bibliography

Joseph W. Esherick is Professor of Modern Chinese History at the University of California, San Diego. He is the author ofThe Origins of the Boxer Uprising (UC Press) and co-editor of The Chinese Cultural Revolution as History, among many books.

周錫瑞(Joseph W.Esherick) (作者), 《葉:百年動盪中的一個中國家庭 》史金金 (譯者), 孟繁之 (譯者), 朱琳菲 (譯者),出版社:山西人民出版社,2014

叶:百年动荡中的一个中国家庭 平装 – 2014年7月25日

