2020年3月29日 星期日
Murder Most Foul - Bob Dylan 2020 (Lyric video)
Live acoustic cover of "Murder Most Foul", a new song written by Bob Dylan, posted as a surprise today, March 27, 2020, on Bob Dylan's YouTube channel, Facebook page and Twitter profile in a post which said: "Greetings to my fans and followers with gratitude for all your support and loyalty across the years. This is an unreleased song we recorded a while back that you might find interesting. Stay safe, stay observant and may God be with you. Bob Dylan" The song was inspired by the murder of President John F. Kennedy in Dallas in 1963 and it's full of hisorical and musical references in its lyrics. I don't know when it was recorded, but it sounds to me that it's a quite recent recording and its musical arrangement sounds much like the recent sound in Bob Dylan's concerts, inspired by his recent trilogy of albums containing covers of jazz standards from the Great American Songbook. This song sound to me like an ideal sequel to "Roll On John", which was included in "Tempest" (2012) and which was a tribute to John Lennon. The original version by Bob Dylan is 17 minutes long, but my version is even longer. I was experimenting around with harmonica a little longer, I guess. Performed with acoustic guitar, Hohner Blues Harp in the Key of F and vocals, with Shure 5575LE vintage microphone and Roland Cube Street Ex amplifier.
Chang Chaotang
Murder Most Foul - Bob Dylan 2020 (Lyric video)
Murder Most Foul released by Bob Dylan March 27th, 2020. I do not own the rights to either the audio or the photographs used. I felt a signal from this track...
Chang Chaotang
A List Of The Songs Named In Bob Dylan's 'Murder Most Foul'
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