2016年3月14日 星期一

'Celts: art and identity', the Celtic Tiger,The Celtic Twilight 凱爾特的薄暮 , Celtic Christianity and nature:early Irish and Hebridean traditions

Jackson Pollock’s dark years, Mat Collishaw’s monstrous animations,Bridget Riley’s debt to Georges Seurat and Goya’s terrifying imaginings: all were wonderful, but topping our list of best art shows of the year is a brilliant portal on the prehistoric imagination – Celts

Bridget Riley’s debt to Seurat and Goya’s terrifying imaginings: wonderful, but topping the list is a captivating portal on the prehistoric imagination – Celts: Art and Identity

We are thrilled to announce that our next major exhibition will be 'Celts: art and identity', in partnership with National Museums Scotland. It's a 2,500-year story, tracing what it means to be Celtic, from the first recorded mention of Celts in 500 BC to contemporary Celtic influences.
‪#‎Celts‬ opens at the British Museum on 24 September 2015, and at the National Museum of Scotland in March 2016. Book now! ow.ly/PlHM5


"Joyce is not an Anglo-Saxon: he writes in English, but he writes it like a foreign language: he is a Celt. He is a Catholic, though he doesn't believe in Catholicism, he is raised as a Catholic Irishman. He is Celt, and not, not Anglo-Saxo n. That's why he says rather bitterly to Frank Budgen, 'I would have to take the Englishman', meaning Shakespeare. Who but Joyce would have referred to Shakespeare as 'the Englishman'? "
-- Harold Bloom, interviewed by José Antonio Gurpegui (Revista Alicantina de Estudios Ingleses 9 (1996)
-- Harold Bloom, interviewed by José Antonio Gurpegui (Revista Alicantina de Estudios Ingleses 9 (1996)
Mired in deflation and despair, the EU desperately needs a good news story. And it appears to have found one in Ireland. While Germany, France and Italy, the biggest economies in the euro zone, look set for a sluggish 2015, at least the Celtic Tiger is roaring again. In Ireland itself, however, good cheer is thinner on the ground http://econ.st/11f1snm 

Celtic Christianity and nature : early Irish and Hebridean traditions

Front Cover
Edinburgh University Press , 1996 - 232 pages
Love of nature is often said to be one of the characteristic features of Celtic Christianity. This book examines the importance of the hills and mountains, water, fire, the sun and the moon.

LOW, M. Celtic Christianity and Nature, Early Irish and Hebridean Traditions . The Blackstaff Press, Belfast: 1996. Pp xii, 232. Price £12.99. ISBN 0-85640-579-5.

Citation Information. Archives of Natural History. Volume 25, Page 142-142 DOI 10.3366/anh.1998.25.1.142 , ISSN 0260-9541, Available Online February 1998 .
PF plus

His collection of romantic tales and mood sketches, The Celtic Twilight (1893), attracted the attention of folklore collectors, among them Lady Gregory, who dated her interest in Yeats from her reading of this volume.

It is very much the same attitude which underpins Yeats's The Celtic Twilight , first published in 1893 and reissued and enlarged in 1902. Here he assembled anecdotes and stories which he himself had collected, principally in County Galway and often with the help of Lady Augusta Gregory , interspersing the narratives with his own ruminations and commentaries. The tone may be light and conversational, but it does not detract from the eloquence of many of the tales or from their universal application. One of the most enduring of these achievements is the story ' Dreams that Have No Moral', described by Yeats himself as 'one of those rambling moralless tales, which are the delight of the poor and the hard‐driven, wherever life is left in its natural simplicity'. The most personal of the anecdotes is to be found in 'Regina, Regina Pigmeorum, Veni', where Yeats recounts a meeting on 'a far western sandy shore' with a fairy troop, presided over by a queen whose departing words are a recommendation to the humans not to 'seek to know too much about us'. (The incident which gave rise to this retelling was first described in a letter written in October 1892 to Richard Le Gallienne.)

“What is literature but the expression of moods by the vehicle of symbol and incident? And are there not moods which need heaven, hell, purgatory, and faeryland for their expression, no less than this dilapidated earth? Nay, are there not moods which shall find no expression unless there be men who dare to mix heaven, hell, purgatory, and faeryland together, or even to set the heads of beasts to the bodies of men, or to thrust the souls of men into the heart of rocks? Let us go forth, the tellers of tales, and seize whatever prey the heart long for, and have no fear. Everything exists, everything is true, and the earth is only a little dust under our feet." 

(A Teller of Tales)” 
― W.B. YeatsThe Celtic Twilight: Faerie and Folklore




又名: The Celtic Twilight

作者 : (愛爾蘭)WB葉芝
譯者 : 殷杲
ISBN: 9787214046895
頁數: 261
定價: 16.0
出版年: 2007-8

簡介· · · · · ·

  這是一部反映了作者早期的典型創作特徵的作品。它的內容包羅萬象:鬼怪、仙人、幽默故事和鄉間傳說層出不窮;它... (展開全部)

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