2016年3月11日 星期五

Virgil 維吉爾《埃涅阿斯紀》The Aeneid、《牧歌》、《農事詩》,《埃涅阿斯紀》章義

 Virgil 維吉爾《埃涅阿斯紀》The Aeneid、《牧歌》、《農事詩》,《埃涅阿斯紀》章義

BBC Radio 4
Need to impress someone soon? Why not drop Virgil in the conversation...
Read all about it here in our not-terribly-serious guide.

Everyman's Library
Publius Vergilius Maro died in Brundisium, Roman Empire on this day in 19 BC (age 50).
"Hail, mighty firstling of the dead;
Hail and farewell for aye!"
"Salve aeternum mihi, maxime Palla,
Aeternumque vale."
--from Book XI, "Aeneid" (29–19 BC) by Virgil
In dramatic and narrative power, Virgil’s Aeneid is the equal of its great Homeric predecessors, The Iliad and The Odyssey. It surpasses them, however, in the intense sympathy it displays for its human actors–a sympathy that makes events such as Aeneas’s escape from Troy and search for a new homeland, the passion and the death of Dido, the defeat of Turnus, and the founding of Rome among the most memorable in literature. This celebrated translation by Robert Fitzgerald does full justice to the speed, clarity, and stately grandeur of the Roman Empire’s most magnificent literary work of art.

Writing-tablet with a line from Virgil

Roman Britain, late 1st or early 2nd century AD
Vindolanda Roman fort (modern Chesterholm), Northumberland
In the commanding officer's residence (praetorium) at Vindolanda, probably during the occupation by Cerialis and his family, someone took a wooden writing-tablet on which a private letter had been begun, but not finished. They wrote on the back of it, in a rather good hand, a complete line from the second half of Virgil's Aeneid (9.473).
It was certainly not a readily memorable line, which makes us wonder: Were the texts of Virgil available at Vindolanda? Were they used for writing practice as is commonly found on papyri? By whom? Cerialis' children?
A.K. Bowman, Life and letters on the Roman (London, The British Museum Press, 1994)

Roman poet Virgil was born ‪#‎onthisday‬ in 70 BC. His Aeneid reached every part of the empire! http://ow.ly/CJO21

Books Features


There’s a lot in the Roman literary world that seems familiar: money-making booksellers, exploited authors.

Daily Highlights Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Bust of Virgil, Displayed in Rome
Bust of Virgil, Displayed in Rome       
Virgil, the poet who wrote the epic poem Aeneid, was born on this date in 70 BCE. The poem told the story of Aeneas, who, in Greek mythology, escaped Troy after the Trojan War and eventually made his way to Italy where his descendants founded Rome. Virgil died before he could finish his poem, which was 12 books long; though the poem is considered complete, many of the lines are unfinished. The most famous translation of the Aeneid is by John Dryden, the 17th-century English poet.
"Do not yield to misfortunes, but advance more boldly to meet them, as your fortune permits you." — Virgil

The Aeneid of Virgil, Translated by John Dryden, Selections, edited by Bruce Pattison

濟慈1795-1821年輕的時代也翻譯拉丁文名詩(維吉爾Virgil),年表(Keats’s Life)1811年第2”Finish translating The Aeneid. (KEATS POETICAL WORKS, edited by H. W. Grrod, OUP, p.xxvii)。----似乎沒出版?

狄德罗Denis Diderot 認 為:The Aeneid (əˈniːɪd; in Latin Aeneis, pronounced ... Aeneidos is a Latin epic poem written by Virgil in the late 1st century BC (29 ...)最美的一句是:卷一 第462行。(兩處翻譯卻天差地別啦!2014年10.6決定抄出,送港民.....)

He halted, and said, with tears: ‘What place is there,
Achates, what region of earth not full of our hardships?
See, Priam! Here too virtue has its rewards, here too
there are tears for events, and mortal things touch the heart.
Lose your fears: this fame will bring you benefit.’

Translated by A. S. Kline © 2002 All Rights Reserved


Virgil:Aeneid I - Poetry In Translation
... to face so many. trials? Can there be such anger in the minds of the gods? .... the pain deep in his heart. They make ready the game, and the future feast: ..... See, Priam! Here too virtue has its rewards, here too. there are tears for events, and mortal things touch the heart. Lose your fears: this fame will bring you benefit.' ...


田園詩, 牧歌 (維吉爾)


楊周翰先生是我很佩服的一位專家。昨天讀但丁,取他 翻譯的《埃涅阿斯紀》(Johnson說他每夜讀它一章,12天讀畢。此法不錯),找一句的出處。我思索他為什麼要略去那句不翻…….


「特奧克托斯做為作家甚不足道,至於他的牧歌,維吉爾明顯比他高明。……特奧克托斯雖然生活在美麗的國土,但描寫不多,他寫的風習很粗鄙。維吉爾的描寫多得多,更富於情調,更多大自然,藝術性更高。」----Life of Johnson by Boswell p.1066

Theocritus is not deserving of very high respect as a writer: as to the pastoral part, Virgil is very evidently superiour He wrote when there had been a large influx of knowledge into the world than when Theocritus lived. Theocritus does not abound in the description, though living in a beautiful country: the manners painted are coarse and gross. Virgil has much more description, more sentiment, more of Nature, and more of art."


Published on Apr 28, 2012

Ludwig van Beethoven Symphony No. 3 in E flat major (Op. 55),Berliner Philharmoniker Symphony Numer Three Eroica By Beethoven also known as the Eroica (Italian for "heroic"), is a landmark musical work marking the full arrival of the composer's "middle-period," a series of unprecedented large scale works of emotional depth and structural rigor.

 Even Aethon, the horse of Pallas, was crying.

The Aeneid: An Epic Poem of Rome - Page 218 - Google Books Result

Virgil, ‎Levi Robert Lind - 1963 - ‎Literary Criticism
Behind them walked Aethon, the war horse, his trappings removed; 90 He wept, ... When the procession of comrades Had passed on ahead, Aeneas stood still.

The Aeneid: An Epic Poem of Rome

By Virgil, Levi Robert Lind

