2011年2月12日 星期六

 Rescuing History from the Nation: Questioning Narratives of Modern China

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Rescuing History from the Nation: Questioning Narratives of Modern China

Prasenjit Duara (Author)

Prasenjit Duara offers the first systematic account of the relationship between the nation-state, nationalism, and the concept of linear history. Focusing primarily on China and including discussion of India, Duara argues that many historians of postcolonial nation-states have adopted a linear, evolutionary history of the Enlightenment/colonial model. As a result, they have written repressive, exclusionary, and incomplete accounts.

The backlash against such histories has resulted in a tendency to view the past as largely constructed, imagined, or invented. In this book, Duara offers a way out of the impasse between constructionism and the evolving nation; he redefines history as a series of multiple, often conflicting narratives produced simultaneously at national, local, and transnational levels. In a series of closely linked case studies, he considers such examples as the very different histories produced by Chinese nationalist reformers and partisans of popular religions, the conflicting narratives of statist nationalists and of advocates of federalism in early twentieth-century China. He demonstrates the necessity of incorporating contestation, appropriation, repression, and the return of the repressed subject into any account of the past that will be meaningful to the present. Duara demonstrates how to write histories that resist being pressed into the service of the national subject in its progress—or stalled progress—toward modernity.

About the Author

Prasenjit Duara is chair of the department of history at the University of chicago. He is the author of Culture, Power, and the State: Rural North China, 1900-1942 and Sovereignty and Authentcity: Manchukuo and the East Asian Modern.

本書從芝加哥大學出版社出版品翻譯 不過懶得作索引 所以是


副标题: 民族主义话语与中国现代史研究
作者: 杜赞奇
译者: 王宪明
出版社: 社会科学文献出版社
出版年: 2003-02-01

内容简介 · · · · · ·

  本书视野宏阔而不失精深,既能以全球眼光审视近现代中国历史,又能从关键之点切 入,洞察细微,把握要害,融世界与中国、历史与现实、思想文化与政治实践和政治制度等诸多因素于一体,是自20世纪70-80年代国际学术界“语言学转 向”和美国汉学界“在中国发现历史”思潮出现以来较具代表性的学术著作之一。

作者简介 · · · · · ·

  杜赞奇(Prasenjit Duara):历史学家、汉学家,印度裔,早年就学于印度,后去美国求学,拜汉学家孔飞力为师,现任教于美国芝加哥大学历史学系及东亚语言文明系。

目录 · · · · · ·

第一章 线性历史与民族国家
第二章 中国和印度的复线历史
第一章 反宗教运动与被压迫者之复归
第二章 兄弟会与共和革命中的革命话语
第三章 “封建”的谱系:对市民社会与国家的叙述
第四章 地方对国家的叙述:现代中国的联邦主义与中央集权主义
第五章 中国与印度现代化批评

