編劇:Luiz Bolognesi、Familia Schurmann
■ 航向夢想的旅程,每一步都是感動
這 是一個關於海洋與冒險的故事,也是一段歷經20個年頭,二度跨越世界大洋的旅程。從人跡罕至的巴塔哥尼亞冰河與沙漠、荒遠復活節島的詭譎巨石群像、北太平 洋幾近將人吞噬的狂風暴雨、天堂一般湛藍清澈的玻里尼西亞海域,到東半球神秘誘人的香料群島…有海豚相伴、鯨魚同行,循著同樣的路線、同樣的海洋、同樣的 大陸、同樣的島嶼,將生命寓之於旅行的舒曼一家人,憑著一艘風帆和『夢想家的精神』,用希望和勇氣征服了500年前大航海家麥哲倫
舒曼一家人的第一趟環球旅程始自1984年,由巴西南部的城市 -- 佛洛里亞諾波利斯出發。當時二兒子大衛才10歲,他們全家花了十年的時間環遊世界,也讓三兄弟在船上長大,體驗跟一般人完全不同的成長過程,一家五口得以分享生命中每一個珍貴的片刻。
1997 年,舒曼一家人決定依循麥哲倫航行地球一周的路線,再度環遊世界,這次還增加了新成員 -- 舒曼夫婦的5歲小女兒凱特。經過30個月,舒曼家的遊艇終於在2000年4月22日 (與麥哲倫登陸時同天) 回到巴西,而且選擇在與500年前巴西被登陸時同樣的港口靠岸,真是值得慶祝的一件事!
拜現代高科技之賜,這次的麥哲倫環球探險隊多了一 大群『跟班』,超過1千5百萬人次藉由瀏覽網路上的照片與日誌,跟著舒曼一家人神遊3大洋;超過4千萬巴西人民更透過每個月的電視轉播收看來自船上的影 像。舒曼一家人受到熱烈歡迎,其網站不但受到聯合國教育科學與文化組織 (UNESCO) 推薦,還收到4萬封來自44國支持者的訊息。
一 場長達20年的冒險,雖然耗費了不計其數的計畫與心力,卻讓看似遙不可及的夢想成真。舒曼一家人不僅是巴西第一個環遊世界的家庭,也是巴西唯一環遊世界兩 次的家庭。 在父親維爾弗烈多的詮釋下:「舒曼一家人得以如此團結而緊密,原因在於我們從過去、現在到未來,永遠都是夢想家。」
The dream to retrace the journey of Portuguese navigator Ferdinand Magellan was born in 1995 during a walk on the beach which coincidentally was the same date in which Magellan himself was born. Vilfredo Schurmann and Heloisa Schurmann were talking about the amazing feats of some of the adventurers who altered the course of History. When Magellan's name came up, they wondered how amazing it would be to follow the path of the first fleet that circumnavigated the world and proved that the Earth was round.
The Schurmann Family dream began to become a reality on November 23, 1997. After three years of detailed and careful planning, the Schürmann Family left for their second great adventure: Magellan Global Adventure. But now, with a new crew including their son David Schurmann and daughter Kat Schurmann, five years old at the time.
After almost 30 months after departing from Brazil the yacht Aysso docked at Porto Seguro, Bahia , in Brazil . The date: April 22, 2000 , exactly 500 hundred years after Brazil was discovered by Portuguese navigator Pedro Alvares Cabral. The Schürmann Family was part of the celebrations of the historical date and was welcomed by the Presidents of Brazil and Portugal .
Taking the same route Magellan had sailed 478 years before, the Schürmanns sailed 32,657 miles (60,481 km), during 891 days. Captain Vilfredo steered Aysso throughout the Pacific, Atlantic and Indian oceans. Altogether, the adventure took the family to 48 ports, 31 islands, 19 countries and 9 territories.
On their second circumnavigation the Schurmann Family had a quite extensive “crew”. Thanks to the technology which made it possible to transmit photos and texts from the boat to the world, Magellan Global Adventure was followed on the internet by more than 1, 5 million people.
Schools in Brazil and abroad utilized the educational content especially produced for the expedition. Internationally, the site was recommended by several educational organizations, including UNESCO the UN educational arm.
More than 40 million Brazilians watched the images of the trip broadcast monthly on Fantastico on Rede Globo Television Channel. The support and love towards the family were measured by the number of e-mails received during the adventure: 39,560 messages, from 44 different countries.