Franco "Bifo" Berardi (born 2 November 1948 in Bologna, Italy) is an Italian Marxist theorist and activist in the autonomist tradition, whose work mainly focuses on the role of the media and information technology within post-industrial capitalism. Berardi has written over two dozen published books, as well as a more extensive number of essays and speeches.
張貼留言 (Atom)
Some Blogs of Hanching Chung
- Tonio Kröger By Thomas Mann 彭淮棟譯作的頭尾──從《魔山》到《浮士德博士》
- 法式音樂布袋戲 《 VOYAGES D’ULYSSE 》 奥德賽重現艋舺公園
- 唐君毅:由花果飄零轉化為靈根自植
- 《民初大詞人況周頤說掌故:眉盧叢話(全編本) 》
- Wuthering Heights
- Clive Hamilton《無聲入侵:中國在澳洲的影響力》(Silent Invasion: Ch...
- Tiananmen: the rape of Peking; The triumph of the ...
- 漢寶德《文化與文創》2014;鹿谷與台灣的"茶藝"
- A Year in Thoreau's Journal: 1851
- 徐志摩、陸小曼珍藏:《一本沒有顏色的書》 白水青林引興多,紅裙翠黛奈愁何。底從暮醉兼朝醉,聊復長謌更短歌
- 《知堂回想錄》, 吳靄儀《劍橋歸路》1987《燈火闌珊處》1990;《 象的時間老鼠 的時間 》;
- "Einstein's Dreams"; THE MOON AND SIXPENCE
- 對談:陳健邦及其【 挑燈人海外:中微子的探索】 2001:從"行勝於言"出發: ◎方寒星: 世界是我...
- The Story of the Stone;《紅樓夢西遊記》
- 詩人李敏勇
- 論市場社會主義2005: A Future for Socialism By John E. Roemer
- 『中国映画 百年を描く、百年を読む』隔空觀影
- Books by Carter
- 《異鄉人》/《局外人》(L'Étranger); The Myth of Sisyphus By ...
- 畫中書:東山魁夷自畫像;Horse, Pipe, and Red Flower By Joan Miró
- Machado de Assis; Jorge Amado 若热·亚马多;我是寫人民的小說家 --...
- 阿謝耶夫;俄羅斯情詩選 歐茵西翻譯
- 橋本忍 (黒澤明的脚本家)
- 一本書的故事——《風騷與艷情》修訂本自序
- 康正果 《出中國記:我的反動自述》Confessions: AN INNOCENT LIFE IN ...
- Moby Dick, All Quiet on the Western Front and Home...
- 程美寶:當人類學家走進歷史——讀蕭鳳霞:《踏跡尋中:四十年華南田野之旅》讀 Helen F. Siu...
- 阿修羅的世界——《平家物語》《春天與阿修羅》;電影《阿修羅》Asura 慘賠 小憩 3月4日 ·...
- Antonin Artaud
- 蕭鳳霞 Tracing China: A Forty-Year Ethnographic Journ...
- Napoleon III By Louis Girard:拿破崙三世傳
- anti-intellectualism;《美國的反智傳統:宗教、民主、商業與教育如何形塑美國人對知...
- 《菲利浦二世時代的地中海和地中海世界》La Méditerranée et le Monde Méd...
- Scots and Catalans:Union and Disunion By John H. E...
- 智庫文化出版公司:Anthony Quinn 自畫像;Billions and Billions: ...
- 徐志摩《一本沒有顏色的書》1934:朱自清《歐遊雜記》; 1943:《倫敦雜記》
- 東山魁夷、Van Gogh 的書
- Public and Private Life of Animals (1877)
- 《世界史綱》 THE OUTLINE OF HISTORY;Being a Plain Histor...
- McCarthy, Richard M (USIS 美新處)
- The Last Lion: Winston Spencer Churchill
- "Grant"; "Hamilton" ; Alexander Hamilton By Ron ...
- 蕭邦在巴黎 Chopin in Paris: The Life and Times of the R...
- Andrei Bely 別雷《彼得堡》 Petersburg
- 檔案室中藏好書:Chatting with Henri Matisse;《高宗武回憶錄》(Into ...
- Strong Opinions by Vladimir Nabokov. Nabokov and t...
- Heroes: Mass Murder and Suicide By Franco Bifo Be...
- Mark Twain Himself: A Pictorial Biography; Mr. Cle...
- East Asia history textbooks
- London: A Pilgrimage. With illustrations by Gustav...
- 《馬寅初經濟論文集選集》 《馬寅初題字墨跡》
- 小川 隆《禪思想史講義》
- 張拓蕪-
- The Yellow Wall Paper- Charlotte Perkins Gilman
- 朗特姊妹的世界 Charlotte Brontë. The Brontës:The Spinster...
- Amartya Sen. "Poetry and Reason". Review of The E...