2018年7月3日 星期二

The Yellow Wall Paper- Charlotte Perkins Gilman

Charlotte Perkins Gilman (/ˈɡɪlmən/); also Charlotte Perkins Stetson (July 3, 1860 – August 17, 1935), was a prominent American feministsociologist, novelist, writer of short stories, poetry, and nonfiction, and a lecturer for social reform.
"The labour of women in the house, certainly enables men to produce more wealth than they otherwise could; and in this way women are economic factors in society. But so are horses." - Charlotte Perkins Gilman

The full text of The Yellow Wall Paper at Wikisource

The full text of The Yellow Wall Paper at Wikisource


無論是藉著女性團結,形塑出一位獨立老母親形象,如〈三個感恩節〉;相信女性毋須在婚後放棄工作或創作,如〈小小別墅〉與〈改變〉;觸及第三者題材時毫不煽情,反而展現女性間彼此疼惜,置男性角色於弱勢,如〈轉〉;充滿巧思地將妻子的靈魂注入丈夫的身體,以男子視角遊歷一回,如〈假如我是男人〉;更有甚者,女醫生建議男人放下「扶養女人」的義務,活得更柔軟些,將有益於婚姻,如〈畢包斯先生的初衷〉——如金屬敲擊響亮的女性聲音、無法被漠掠的女性自覺,貫穿了美國小說家夏洛特.吉爾曼(Charlotte Perkins Gilman, 1860-1935)這本短篇小說集。經典的同名之作〈黃壁紙〉,更以一名患有產後憂鬱的女子為畫像,在類手記的形式中,昭示出瀕臨瘋狂的精神樣貌。彷彿,在家庭或父權的豢養中,女性終於跳脫家具身分,當壁紙被扯裂,夏洛特.吉爾曼小說裡微微的驚悚,也為我們撕開一層古老的膜。

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"The Yellow Wallpaper"
Yellowwp med.jpg
1988 edition cover
AuthorCharlotte Perkins Gilman
CountryUnited States
Genre(s)Captivity narrativefeminist literature
Publication date1892
"The Yellow Wallpaper" (original title: "The Yellow Wall-paper. A Story") is a short story by American writer Charlotte Perkins Gilman, first published in January 1892 in The New England Magazine.[1] It is regarded as an important early work of American feministliterature, illustrating attitudes in the 19th century toward women's health, both physical and mental.
Presented in the first person, the story is a collection of journal entries written by a woman whose physician husband (John) has rented an old mansion for the summer. Forgoing other rooms in the house, the couple moves into the upstairs nursery. As a form of treatment, the unnamed woman is forbidden from working, and is encouraged to eat well and get plenty of exercise and air, so she can recuperate from what he calls a "temporary nervous depression– a slight hysterical tendency", a diagnosis common to women in that period.[2][3][4]

