Youth | |
![]() Theatrical release poster | |
Directed by | Paolo Sorrentino |
Produced by |
Written by | Paolo Sorrentino |
Starring | |
Music by | |
Cinematography | Luca Bigazzi |
Edited by | Cristiano Travaglioli |
Youth=《年輕氣盛》(義大利語:La giovinezza)2015。近代版的費里尼式作品。
《年輕氣盛》(義大利語:La giovinezza)是義大利導演保羅·索倫提諾編劇並執導的一部英語電影。
年輕氣盛 | |
![]() 電影海報 |
Plot劇情 中文修改
Septuagenarian best friends Fred Ballinger and Mick Boyle are on vacation in the Swiss Alps, staying at a luxury spa/resort in Wiesen. Fred is a retired composer of classical music; at the hotel, he is approached by an emissary for Queen Elizabeth II, conferring a knighthood and asking him to perform his popular piece "Simple Song #3" at Prince Philip's birthday concert. Fred turns down the offer, claiming he is not interested in performing any more – although he still composes pieces in his head when alone. Mick is a film director, and is working with a group of writers to develop the screenplay for his latest film, which he calls his "testament". Also with them is actor Jimmy Tree, who is researching for an upcoming role and frustrated that he is only remembered for his role as a robot. The hotel is inhabited by other quirky individuals, including a young masseuse, an overweight Diego Maradona, and Miss Universe.
近80歲的好友Fred Ballinger和Mick Boyle在瑞士阿爾卑斯山度假,住在維森的豪華水療/度假勝地。 弗雷德(Fred)是古典音樂的退休作曲家。 在酒店,伊麗莎白女王二世的使節與他接見,授予爵士爵位,並要求他在菲利普親王的生日音樂會上表演他的流行曲目《簡單的歌曲#3》。 弗雷德(Fred)拒絕了這個提議,聲稱他對錶演不再有興趣-儘管他獨自一人時仍在腦海裡作曲。 米克(Mick)是電影導演,目前正與一群作家合作開發他最新電影的劇本,他稱之為“遺囑”。 演員吉米·特里(Jimmy Tree)也與他們同在,他正在為即將到來的角色進行研究,但沮喪的是,他只因為扮演機器人而被人們記住。 該酒店居住著其他古怪的人,包括年輕的女按摩師,超重的迭戈·馬拉多納和環球小姐。
Fred and Mick reflect on their lives, admitting that their memories are fading and that they see little in their futures. Fred's daughter and assistant, Lena, is married to Mick's son, but the latter leaves her for pop star Paloma Faith. Lena stays at the resort and vents her anger at her father, who was always distant as she grew up. The emissary returns, and Lena cries as Fred explains that he won't perform "Simple Song #3" because the soprano part belongs only to his wife and she can no longer sing.
弗雷德(Fred)和米克(Mick)反思自己的生活,承認他們的記憶正在消失,他們的未來已微不足道。弗雷德(Fred)的女兒兼助手莉娜(Lena)已嫁給米克(Mick)的兒子,但後者反而選擇與流行歌星帕洛瑪·菲斯(Paloma Faith)相好。莉娜(Lena)留在度假村,向父親發怒,說父親在她長大過程一向只顧音樂,對其母女疏遠。使節返回,莉娜哭了,因為弗雷德(Fred)解釋說他不會表演《簡單的歌曲#3》,因為女高音部分只屬於他的妻子,她已不能唱歌。
Mick completes his screenplay and is satisfied with it. The main role is written for aging diva Brenda Morel, who has starred in eleven of his previous films. Brenda surprises Mick by arriving at the resort, and telling him that she is taking a television role instead; cinema is the past, she says, and Mick hasn't made a good film in years. Disheartened, Mick commits suicide by jumping off a balcony in front of Fred. Fred decides to visit his wife for the first time in years. She is senile, and living at a care home in Venice. He then returns to the UK to conduct "Simple Song #3" in front of the Queen and Prince.
米克完成了劇本,感到滿意。主要角色是為老天后布倫達·莫雷爾(Brenda Morel)寫的,他曾出演過11部電影。布倫達(Brenda)到達度假勝地,告訴米克說她正在接演電視角色,這使米克感到驚訝。她又說,電影院已經是過氣,而且米克(Mick)多年來沒有拍過好電影。米克心灰意冷,跳下弗雷德面前的陽台自殺 (與我看到的劇情不符,他離去休假中心之後會再接再厲籌拍下一部片子;Brenda 在飛在飛機上精神壓抑發作,頻呼Mick 表後悔)。弗雷德決定多年來第一次去威尼斯拜訪他的妻子。她年紀大,住在養老院。然後,他返回英國,在皇后和王子麵前進行《簡單的歌曲#3》。
Interspersed throughout the film are surreal sequences, including a levitating monk, an imagined Paloma Faith music video, Jimmy dressed as Adolf Hitler, Fred conducting a field of cowbells, and Mick envisioning all his previous leading ladies on a mountaintop (including Brenda, in her new unglamorous TV role).