2011年4月1日 星期五

China Yellow, China Blue

China Yellow表示貧窮的土地, China Blue表示海洋-商港等"發達"處

China Yellow, China Blue (2001)
Directed by Ahmed Lallem
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This two-part documentary tells the history of China in the 20th Century - entirely with original archives and motion pictures.

From the very first newsreels and documentary footage filmed in China at the turn of the century, up until the present day, CHINA YELLOW, CHINA BLUE uses visual documents to portray the struggle and changeover between two Chinas: one continental and rural, enshrined by the Empire and Confucianism, the other coastal, urban and mercantile, and founded on maritime trade.

These are the angles which the film approaches, China yesterday, China today, China Yellow, China Blue. The making of the film required a long, intensive period of seeking out every possible source of footage.

The film is in two parts: Part 1, THE TIME OF TROUBLES, covers the years up to 1949, and Part 2, THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA covers 1949 to 1996.

"Highly Recommended! A remarkable set of two videotapes that provides a broad overview of 20th century China using only newsreel and documentary footage along with a generally even-handed narrative that, rather than betraying a bias for one or another of the socio-political systems under which the country has endured, consistently focuses on the impact of societal and governmental structures on the people. [The] footage, especially from the early years, is riveting, truly transporting a Western viewer to a setting that is exotically foreign in both place and time, yet always grounded in the human dimension of the people who are depicted. An excellent introduction to modern China and would be a superb way to generate class discussion." - Educational Media Reviews Online

"A miracle, CHINA YELLOW, CHINA BLUE avoids all the pitfalls that can make historical documentaries difficult to digest." - Liberation (Paris)

"Rich with exceptional archive documents." - Telerama (Paris)

1949前的中國 China Yellow,China Blue   


第一集播出法國製作的「1949前的中國」,呈現清末至1949國共分裂,長達半世紀的中國政治社會真相。影片中甚多畫面是由二十世紀初首批進入中國的西 方攝影師拍攝,例如1900年北京使館區被民眾包圍長達55天的真實紀錄、1911年武昌首義成功時革命軍整裝待發的畫面,以及被稱做「基督將軍」的馮玉 祥親自檢查軍隊士兵手腳是否洗淨的有趣鏡頭。此外,繁忙熱鬧的上海街頭,擠滿了拉黃包車的苦力、裹著小腳的女人、穿著長袍、留著辮子的中國老百姓,都是難 得一見的珍貴影像。






