2011年4月5日 星期二

《晚唐:九世紀中葉的詩歌》宇文所安(Stephen Owen)


晚唐(九世纪中叶的中国诗歌827-860)/宇文所安作品系列 作者:(美)宇文所安|译者:贾晋华//钱彦
出版社:三联书店2011-01-01 第1版

“胡適人文講座”(2010- 北京大學中文系)/宇文所安(Stephen Owen)開講...

The Late Tang - Stephen Owen - Harvard University Press

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Harvard East Asian Monographs 264

The Late Tang

Chinese Poetry of the Mid-Ninth Century (827-860)

Stephen Owen

Introduction: Latecomers

1. Setting the Stage

2. The Old Men

3. Regulated Verse in the Short Line

4. The Craftsmen of Poetry

5. The Legacy of Li He

6. Regulated Verse in the Long Line: The "Meditation on the Past"

7. Poets of the Long Line

8. Du Mu

9. Daoism: The Case of Cao Tang

10. Li Shangyin: Preliminaries

11. Li Shangyin: The Hermetic Poems

12. Li Shangyin: The History Poems

13. Li Shangyin: "Poems on Things"

14. Li Shangyin: The Poems on Occasion

15. Wen Tingyun


Works Cited


The poetry of the Late Tang often looked backward, and many poets of the period distinguished themselves through the intensity of their retrospective gaze. Chinese poets had always looked backward to some degree, but for many Late Tang poets the echoes and the traces of the past had a singular aura.

In this work, Stephen Owen resumes telling the literary history of the Tang that he began in his works on the Early and High Tang. Focusing in particular on Du Mu, Li Shangyin, and Wen Tingyun, he analyzes the redirection of poetry that followed the deaths of the major poets of the High and Mid-Tang and the rejection of their poetic styles. The Late Tang, Owen argues, forces us to change our very notion of the history of poetry. Poets had always drawn on past poetry, but in the Late Tang, the poetic past was beginning to assume the form it would have for the next millennium; it was becoming a repertoire of available choices--styles, genres, the voices of past poets. It was this repertoire that would endure.

