2016年10月17日 星期一

Penguin Bloom

"I am incredibly grateful to this crazy little bird for making this future possible."
The story of an Australian family who rescued a ‘a tiny, scruffy, injured’ chick – who went on to rescue them

Cameron Bloom 攝影師,男主人
Sam Bloom 女主人 泰國旅館意外而幾乎全身癱瘓,後來漸漸康復
時來的小喜鵲 (magpie) 取名 為Penguin (企鵝,此鳥像隻企鵝)
此家庭 (含Penguin) 的故事,出書,書名【Bloom家的企鵝】(Penguin Bloom)
Cameron Bloom's images have now been collected in a book called Penguin Bloom, which also tells the story of Sam's accident and recovery.


The magpie that saved a family

Sam Bloom with Penguin on her shoulderImage copyrightCAMERON BLOOM

