2018年5月20日 星期日

Anne Frank 《安妮日記》1947

Anne Frank 《安妮日記》,彭淮棟譯,台北:智庫文化,1996?

最新被破解的這兩頁是在1942年9月28日寫下,13歲的安妮(Anne Frank)在上面寫道:「我要在這兩頁記下『黃色笑話』(dirty jokes)。」也許安妮後來害怕有人偷看日記,或是不喜歡自己寫下的內容,才會用棕色牛皮紙黏貼掩蓋住,直到約70年後才重見天日。安妮用非常坦率的語言表達關於性的想法。她描述月經是女性「成熟的表徵」,「代表她已成熟,可以和男性發生關係,但當然,在結婚前她不會這樣做的。」至於嫖妓與性交易,她說「所有男人,假設是正常的,會和女人在一起。那些女人在街上勾搭男人,然後一起走。在巴黎,他們會在大房子裡做這種事,爸爸也曾經去過。」


正值青春期的安妮在日記裡其他頁面也寫下她對於性的探究與好奇,她描寫月經到來,也曾觀察自己的性器官、想了解異性的身體。這些內容在1947年《安妮日記》首次出版前,都被安妮的父親奧圖(Otto Frank)翻閱過。


紀念安妮的博物館「安妮之家」(Anne Frank House museum)以及荷蘭「國家戰爭檔案研究所」(NIOD)的研究人員共同破解了這兩頁謎團,他們透過在頁面背後打光、顯現出字跡,再利用影像處理軟體辨別內容。
「安妮之家」負責人利奧波德(Ronald Leopold)15日表示:「這讓我們更加了解作為少女及作家的安妮.法蘭克。」「國家戰爭檔案研究所」主任范弗瑞(Frank van Vree)則說:「任何人看了最新發現的內容都會忍不住笑出來。講黃色笑話是正在成長的孩子們會做的事,這也說明了如此有才華的安妮,其實也還是個普通小女孩。」



'Dirty jokes' revealed on mystery pages of Anne Frank's diary

'Dirty jokes' revealed from Anne Frank's diary
'Dirty jokes' revealed from Anne Frank's diary 00:33
(CNN)Mystery has swirled around the two pages of Anne Frank's diary where brown paper was pasted over the writing. But today it was revealed what lay behind the covered up pages.
Thanks to modern image processing technology, the writing from 1942 was uncovered, and four "dirty jokes" appeared.
"I'll use this spoiled page to write down 'dirty' jokes," Anne wrote on September 28, 1942, just two months after she went into hiding.
    Reserachers used digital technology to uncover the writing.
    She was 13 when she went into hiding from the Nazis with her family. She kept a diary throughout her time in hiding, and after her death, her father, Otto, published it in 1947.
    In 2016, the diary was rephotographed by the Anne Frank House and the hidden writing was deciphered.
    "Anyone who reads the passages that have now been discovered will be unable to suppress a smile. The 'dirty' jokes are classics among growing children," said Frank van Vree, director of the Netherlands' Institute for War, Holocaust and Genocide Studies. "They make it clear that Anne, with all her gifts, was above all also an ordinary girl."

    What was on the pages?

    Five crossed-out phrases, four dirty jokes and 33 lines about sex education and prostitution were included on the two pages of her first diary, according to the Anne Frank House.
    One of her jokes read: "Do you know why the German girls of the armed forces are in the Netherlands? As a mattress for the soldiers."
    Another one: "A man comes home at night and notices that another man shared the bed with his wife that evening. He searches the whole house, and finally also looks in the bedroom closet. There is a totally naked man, and when that one man asked what the other was doing there, the man in the closet answered: 'You can believe it or not but I am waiting for the tram.' "
    A third joke: "A man had a very ugly wife and he did not want a relationship with her. One evening, he came home and he saw his friend lying in bed with his wife and the man said: 'He does and I have to!!!!' "
    Finally, Anne Frank related this joke: "A man and a woman had a relationship, and after a few months the woman's belly was getting disturbingly big. Then, the man called a doctor who said: 'It's just air, Mrs., just air!!!" The man replied: 'I am not pumping air, am I?' "
    On sex, Anne Frank writes about how a young woman will start getting her period when she is about 14, "which is the sign that she is ready to get into a relationship with a man, but of course one does not do that before one is married."
    She goes with a candid description of sexual intercourse and contraception, before writing about prostitution: "All men, when they are normal, go with women, on the street such women talk to them and then they go together. In Paris, there are big houses for that. Dad has been there."
    Images of the pages were released during a press conference on Tuesday.
    It's unclear why she decided to cover up these specific pages, but she mentions throughout her writings she was worried about people reading her private thoughts. She often went back through and added comments to previous journal entries.
    "Anne Frank writes about sexuality in a disarming way. Like every adolescent she is curious about this subject. She also writes about it on other, uncovered pages," said Ronald Leopold, executive director of the Anne Frank House. "They bring us even closer to the girl and the writer Anne Frank."

