2018年5月23日 星期三

The 5 Books Bill Gates Recommends for Summer Reading

微軟創辦人 (之一)蓋茲(Bill Gates),經常與大眾開心分享他喜歡的圖書。近來他又推薦一本小說和四本非小說類讀物,並稱雖然部分作品的題材沉重,但都寫得生動有趣,而且大都「短小精悍」,言簡意賅,可算是今夏必讀推薦。
蓋茲今夏推薦的5大讀物,包括沃爾特艾薩克森(Walter Isaacson)的作品《達文西》(Leonardo da Vinci)。作者撰寫過愛因斯坦和賈伯斯(Steve Jobs)的傳記。蓋茲表示,書本優秀地呈現出達文西多才多藝的一生,讓人理解他傑出之處。
另一本得蓋茲青睞的,是杜克大學(Duke University)教授凱特鮑勒(Kate Bowler)撰寫的《Everything Happens for a Reason: And Other Lies I've Loved》。作者2015年確診第4期乳癌,為尋找患病原因而開始寫這本書。蓋茲認為,這本作品是「令人心碎、又異常有趣的回憶錄,講述信仰和面對自己的死亡」。
其餘榜上有名的作品,包括喬治桑德斯(George Saunders)以林肯面對小兒子離世的哀傷為題材的小說《Lincoln in the Bardo》(林肯在中陰》Lincoln in the Bardo_);由大衛克里斯欽(David Christian)撰寫、詳述人類歷史的 《Origin Story: A Big History of Everything》;以及談論人類社會如何變得愈來愈好、以及尚待改善之處的《Factfulness: Ten Reasons We’re Wrong About the World — And Why Things Are Better Than You Think》。(北美中心/綜合外電報導)

The 5 Books Billionaire Bill Gates Recommends for Summer Reading

1. Leonardo da Vinci by Walter Isaacson

Why Gates is a fan: "I think Leonardo was one of the most fascinating people ever. Although today he’s best known as a painter, Leonardo had an absurdly wide range of interests, from human anatomy to the theater. Isaacson does the best job I’ve seen of pulling together the different strands of Leonardo’s life and explaining what made him so exceptional. A worthy follow-up to Isaacson’s great biographies of Albert Einstein and Steve Jobs."

2. Everything Happens for a Reason and Other Lies I’ve Loved by Kate Bowler

Why Gates is a fan: "When Bowler, a professor at Duke Divinity School, is diagnosed with stage IV colon cancer, she sets out to understand why it happened. Is it a test of her character? The result is a heartbreaking, surprisingly funny memoir about faith and coming to grips with your own mortality."

3. Lincoln in the Bardo by George Saunders

Why Gates is a fan: "I thought I knew everything I needed to know about Abraham Lincoln, but this novel made me rethink parts of his life. It blends historical facts from the Civil War with fantastical elements -- it’s basically a long conversation among 166 ghosts, including Lincoln’s deceased son. I got new insight into the way Lincoln must have been crushed by the weight of both grief and responsibility. This is one of those fascinating, ambiguous books you’ll want to discuss with a friend when you’re done."

4. Origin Story: A Big History of Everything by David Christian

Why Gates is a fan: "David created my favorite course of all time, Big History. It tells the story of the universe from the Big Bang to today’s complex societies, weaving together insights and evidence from various disciplines into a single narrative. If you haven’t taken Big History yet, Origin Story is a great introduction. If you have, it’s a great refresher. Either way, the book will leave you with a greater appreciation of humanity’s place in the universe."

5. Factfulness by Hans Rosling, with Ola Rosling and Anna Rosling Ronnlund

Why Gates is a fan: "I’ve been recommending this book since the day it came out. Hans, the brilliant global-health lecturer who died last year, gives you a breakthrough way of understanding basic truths about the world -- how life is getting better, and where the world still needs to improve. And he weaves in unforgettable anecdotes from his life. It’s a fitting final word from a brilliant man, and one of the best books I’ve ever read."

