2018年5月9日 星期三

Peter Pan; or, the Boy Who Wouldn't Grow Up Copyright status

這個永遠不會長大的小男孩的創作者J·M·巴里出生於1860年的今天,1929年,他將作品的版權捐給了倫敦的大奧蒙德街兒童醫院。 《紐約時報》當時估計,這份禮物的價值為「大約每年1萬美元」,相當於醫院收入的六分之一。
很少有人會猜到彼得·潘的回饋時效有多長。 1987年底,在巴里去世50年後,版權首次在英國到期。過了幾個月,英國議會通過了一項議案,授予大奧蒙德街兒童醫院從舞台劇和改編作品獲得永久版稅的權利。

Peter Pan; or, the Boy Who Wouldn't Grow Up

Copyright status[edit]

The copyright status of the story of Peter Pan and its characters has been the subject of dispute, particularly as the original version began to enter the public domain in various jurisdictions. In 1929, Barrie gave the copyright to the works featuring Peter Pan to Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH), Britain's leading children's hospital, and requested that the value of the gift should never be disclosed; this gift was confirmed in his will. GOSH has exercised these rights internationally to help support the work of the institution.

United Kingdom[edit]

The UK copyright originally expired at the end of 1987 (50 years after Barrie's death) but later revived in 1995 when legislation was changed following the directive to harmonise copyright laws within the EU, which extended the copyright term to 70 years after the author's death. However, in 1988, former Prime Minister James Callaghansponsored an amendment to a Parliamentary Bill granting the hospital a right to royalties in perpetuity for any performance, publication, broadcast of the play or adaptation of the play. The bill does not grant the hospital full intellectual property rights over the work such as creative control over the use of the material or the right to refuse permission to use it. It does not cover the Peter Pan section of The Little White Bird, which predates the play and is not therefore an "adaptation" of it. The exact phrasing is in section 301 of, and Schedule 6 to, the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988:
301. The provisions of Schedule 6 have effect for conferring on trustees for the benefit of the Hospital for Sick Children, Great Ormond Street, London, a right to a royalty in respect of the public performance, commercial publication, broadcasting or inclusion in a cable programme service of the play 'Peter Pan' by Sir James Matthew Barrie, or of any adaptation of that work, notwithstanding that copyright in the work expired on 31 December 1987.[22]

United States[edit]

Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH) claims that U.S. legislation effective in 1978 and again in 1998, which extended the copyright of the play script published in 1928, gives them copyright over "Peter Pan" in general until 2023, although GOSH acknowledges that the copyright of the novel version, published in 1911, has expired in the United States.[23]
Previously, GOSH's claim of U.S. copyright had been contested by various parties. J. E. Somma sued GOSH to permit the U.S. publication of her sequel After the Rain, A New Adventure for Peter Pan. GOSH and Somma settled out of court in March 2004, issuing a joint statement in which GOSH stated the work is a valuable contribution to the field of children's literature. Somma characterised her novel – which she had argued was a critique of the original work, rather than a mere derivative of it – as "fair use" of the hospital's "U.S. intellectual property rights". The suit was settled under terms of absolute secrecy. It did not set any legal precedent, however.[24] Disney was a long-time licensee to the animation rights, and cooperated with the hospital when its copyright claim was clear, but in 2004 Disney published Dave Barry's and Ridley Pearson's Peter and the Starcatchers in the U.S., the first of several sequels, without permission and without making royalty payments. In 2006, Top Shelf Productions published in the U.S. Lost Girls, a pornographic graphic novel featuring Wendy Darling, also without permission or royalties.

Other jurisdictions[edit]

The original versions of the play and novel are in the public domain in countries where the term of copyright is 70 years (or less) after the death of the creators. This includes the European Union (except Spain), Australia, Canada (where Somma's book was first published without incident), and most other countries (see list of countries' copyright length). It is out of copyright in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, where copyright lasts 75 years after the author's death.
However, the work is still under copyright in several countries: in Colombia and Spain until 2018, where the applicable term is 80 years after death. (It would also be under copyright in Côte d'IvoireGuatemala, and Honduras, but these countries recognise the "rule of the shorter term", which means that the term of the country of origin applies if it is shorter than their local term.)

2010年5月8日 星期六

James Barrie,

'RMS Lusitania'
'RMS Lusitania'
Which ship had more fatalities, the 'Titanic' or the 'Lusitania'? The Titanic suffered 1,513 fatalities when it sank in 1912. Nearly 1,200 lives were lost when the RMS Lusitania went down ninety years ago today. The British ocean liner was sunk by a German submarine off the coast of Ireland. When the Lusitania first sailed in 1907, she was the largest ocean liner on the sea. Before the ship set sail in May 1915, warnings were issued by the German Embassy in Washington, reminding passengers of the state of war between Germany and Great Britain and advising them not to sail with the Lusitania. The torpedoed ship went down in just 20 minutes.
"To die will be an awfully big adventure." — James Barrie, said to be quoted by Barrie's friend Charles Frohman as Frohman plunged to his death on the Lusitania

rl 留言(re: 李叔湘先生的『未晚齋』(文集)--為了這篇作業不想作晚飯的rl ):「


其中的李尔和他的谐趣诗就是日前我每日一诗的诗人Edward Lear;校长所提的J.M. Barrie作品指的是Dear Brutus,则是在《第二梦》这篇文章里,我个人因为并未阅读过这部作品,所以对此无动于衷。文中大致介绍这是三幕剧剧本,剧名取自第三幕,剧中人引用莎翁的两行诗:
Casius The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, But in ourselves, that we are underlings.
文章取名《第二梦》是作者曾在协和医学院看过燕大毕业演出的一个话剧,剧名就叫《第二梦》,作者觉得情节与Dear Brutus十分相似,认为是译本或改编本。文章其余部分开始介绍第二梦的故事和一些对白。
文末始介绍J.M. Barrie一生写了38个剧本,其中以《可敬的克莱登》和《彼得潘》最有名。」
由於讓RL晚餐誤點,準備介紹 Sir J.M. Barrie。發現電影之原作:

Why J. M. Barrie created Peter Pan.
J.M. Barrie 的介紹和電子檔,英國和日文都很豐富。

我們可以從更寬的視野看Sir J.M. Barrie在英國/蘇格蘭/世界文化的主要業績,參考下書所特別介紹的這些作家(這本書hc還沒讀過):
Jackie Wullschlager, Inventing Wonderland: The Lives and Fantasies of Lewis Carroll,
Edward Lear, JM Barrie, Kenneth Grahame, and A A Milne, 1996. 日本翻譯:『不思議の国をつくる:キャロル、リア、バリー、グレアム、ミルンの作品と生涯』
「…..文末始介绍J.M. Barrie一生写了38个剧本,其中以《可敬的克莱登》和《彼得潘》最有名。」

《可敬的克莱登》就是The Admirable Crichton, J. M. Barrie在 1902的作品。(日本翻譯: 「天晴れクライトン」 (1902年初演)【天晴れ(あっぱれ) 意思: Bravo!/ Well done!・~な splendid; admirable; glorious.】 http://www.answers.com/topic/the-admirable-crichton-1?hl=crichton)
要了解The Admirable Crichton作為類型人物,先要了解劇情/歷史。
The Admirable Crichton指「無所不能、面面俱到/俱佳的人」。

Peter Pan 為長不大的小孩。這成為商標。1960年代,美國流行一種通俗心理學TA,說法是人人的人格中都還有一CHILD要照顧……

Sir James Matthew Barrie, 1st BaronetOM (9 May 1860 – 19 June 1937) was a Scottishauthor and dramatist. He is best remembered for creating Peter Pan, the boy who refused to grow up, whom he based on his friends, the Llewelyn Davies boys. He is also credited with popularising the name Wendy, which was very uncommon before he gave it to the heroine of Peter Pan.[1]
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