Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy:胡適讀托爾斯泰《安娜傳》,研究 Leo Tolstoy 的思想變遷: 2018年12月17日的胡適紀念演講 (漢清講堂). LEO TOLSTOY on Film (1908) - 80th Birthday plus more rare footage
2018年12月17日的胡適紀念演講 (漢清講堂) Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy:胡適讀托爾斯泰《安娜傳》,研究 Leo Tolstoy的思想變遷
我在約2018年12月17日的胡適紀念演講 (漢清講堂),將討論Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy。
我在漢清講堂談《胡適留學日記》:自傳與諸多寶貝 (2017年胡適之先生紀念(II))
1. 胡適日記中的托爾斯泰
2. 旁觀世界第一次大戰
The Burial of Leo Tolstoy
Yasnaya Polyana 晴園
Anna Karenina’ 研究 Leo Tolstoy的思想變遷
1915.7.10, p.191

1:16:23200 《胡適留學日記》中的諸多寶貝 2017-12-17 漢清講堂)
2017.12.18 我讀到哈佛大學教授 Claudia Goldin推薦此本胡適說1200頁的小說 ( economic historian and a labour economist, author of the forthcoming Women Working Longer: Increased Employment at Older Ages):
Anna Karenina 的閱讀最佳參考,應該是
The Burial of Leo Tolstoy
Yasnaya Polyana 晴園
Anna Karenina’ 研究 Leo Tolstoy的思想變遷
1915.7.10, p.191

1:16:23200 《胡適留學日記》中的諸多寶貝 2017-12-17 漢清講堂)
2017.12.18 我讀到哈佛大學教授 Claudia Goldin推薦此本胡適說1200頁的小說 ( economic historian and a labour economist, author of the forthcoming Women Working Longer: Increased Employment at Older Ages):
Look no further
Read on to see what professors from Harvard think you should read next year.
Anna Karenina by Leo TolstoyThe book has been described as the 'best novel ever written' Shutterstock/TippaPatt"I'm re-reading Anna Karenina. There is no better novel I know about how women (and I don't mean just Anna) – elite, intelligent, educated – are ignored, oppressed, and have little legal recourse. Women are the caregivers, the empathetic. They hold society together and provide salvation even as the priests take the credit.
"Tolstoy's novel is as relevant today as it ever was. As a sideline, one also learns about technical change in agriculture and how to incentivise labourers to adopt it. And there is more … It is clearly the best novel ever written and worth another close read from us all."- Claudia Goldin, economic historian and a labour economist, author of the forthcoming Women Working Longer: Increased Employment at Older Ages
一. ANNA KARENINA (1877) by Leo Tolstoy
《安娜‧卡列尼娜》(全二冊) 高惠群等譯,上海譯文,2010.8~2017.4 第8刷
安娜‧卡列尼娜 草嬰譯,南京:譯林,2014.4~2017.9 第14刷
《安娜‧卡列妮娜》(全二冊) ,台北:志文,1986.9~1990.1 第2刷 此套是唯一有插圖的,可惜印刷不佳。 新潮文庫另有《安娜‧卡列妮娜》(濃縮本,參考日本版) ,印刷稍佳。
Anna Karenina 的閱讀最佳參考,應該是
Lectures on Russian literature
Book by Vladimir Nabokov (1899-1977),
本書有中譯:《俄羅斯文學講稿》上海譯文,2018。托爾斯泰的《安娜‧卡列寧》,參考pp. 164~276

Book by Vladimir Nabokov (1899-1977),
本書有中譯:《俄羅斯文學講稿》上海譯文,2018。托爾斯泰的《安娜‧卡列寧》,參考pp. 164~276
《現代悲劇 》南京: 譯林, 2007 (據第一版翻譯)
該書的這章,很可參考:Social and Personal Tragedy: Tolstoy and Lawrence
"Anna Karenina" by Leo Tolstoy.
1) Introduction:-
"Anna Karenina" is a classic novel written by Leo Tolstoy, first published in 1877. Set in 19th-century Russia, the story explores themes of love, morality, and societal expectations. The narrative follows the tragic fate of the titular character, Anna Karenina, as her passionate affair with Count Vronsky leads to societal scrutiny and personal turmoil. Tolstoy's intricate portrayal of characters and societal norms makes this novel a timeless exploration of human nature and the consequences of one's choices.
2) Summary:-
"Anna Karenina" unfolds against the backdrop of 19th-century Russian society. The plot revolves around the lives of several interconnected characters, with a central focus on Anna Karenina, a married woman who embarks on a tumultuous affair with Count Vronsky.
1. **Anna Karenina's Story:**
- **Introduction:** Anna, married to Alexei Alexandrovich Karenin, is discontented in her marriage and falls passionately in love with Count Vronsky.
- **Affair and Scandal:** Anna and Vronsky's affair becomes the talk of high society, leading to ostracism and judgment.
- **Struggles and Isolation:** Anna's internal conflicts intensify as societal pressure and her own guilt isolate her.
2. **Parallel Storylines:**
- **Kitty and Levin:** The novel also follows the evolving relationship between Kitty and Levin, providing a contrast to Anna and Vronsky's tumultuous affair.
- **Social Critique:** Tolstoy uses these parallel stories to critique societal norms, including the role of marriage and the consequences of passion.
3. **Tragedy and Consequences:**
- **Downfall of Anna:** Anna's relationship with Vronsky leads to her alienation from society, deteriorating mental health, and eventual tragic demise.
- **Impact on Others:** The consequences of Anna's choices ripple through the lives of those around her, affecting her husband, son, and others.
4. **Philosophical Underpinnings:**
- **Tolstoy's Views:** The novel incorporates Tolstoy's philosophical reflections on morality, faith, and the search for a meaningful life.
- **Character Development:** Characters like Levin serve as vessels for Tolstoy's exploration of the meaning of life and the pursuit of happiness.
5. **Conclusion:**
- **Resolution:** The novel concludes with reflections on the characters' destinies, providing insights into the consequences of their actions.
- **Legacy:** "Anna Karenina" endures as a literary masterpiece, offering a nuanced exploration of human relationships and societal norms.
Tolstoy's narrative mastery, rich character development, and profound insights into human nature make "Anna Karenina" a timeless and thought-provoking work.
3) Critical analysis:-
**Critical Analysis of "Anna Karenina" by Leo Tolstoy:**
1. **Societal Critique:**
- **Class Divide:** Tolstoy vividly portrays the stark class divisions in Russian society, highlighting the disparity between the aristocracy and the peasantry. This societal critique serves as a backdrop to the characters' lives and choices.
2. **Complex Characters:**
- **Anna Karenina:** The protagonist, Anna, is a complex character whose internal struggles and passions are meticulously portrayed. Her tragic fate serves as a commentary on societal expectations and the consequences of defying them.
- **Count Vronsky:** Vronsky's character represents the allure and dangers of passion. His role in Anna's life contributes to the novel's exploration of the impact of personal choices on individuals and those around them.
- **Alexei Alexandrovich Karenin:** Anna's husband, Karenin, is a symbol of the societal conventions and the moral rigidity of the time. His response to Anna's affair reflects the constraints imposed by societal norms.
3. **Parallel Narratives:**
- **Kitty and Levin:** The parallel love story of Kitty and Levin serves as a contrast to Anna and Vronsky's relationship. Tolstoy uses this parallelism to explore different facets of love, marriage, and societal expectations.
4. **Philosophical Underpinnings:**
- **Tolstoy's Existential Questions:** Tolstoy weaves existential questions into the narrative, exploring the meaning of life, morality, and the pursuit of happiness. Levin's philosophical journey mirrors Tolstoy's own reflections.
- **Religious Themes:** Tolstoy incorporates religious themes, contemplating the role of faith and morality in human existence. This adds depth to the characters' moral dilemmas and the overarching narrative.
5. **Narrative Techniques:**
- **Stream of Consciousness:** Tolstoy employs a stream-of-consciousness technique, delving into characters' thoughts and emotions. This technique enhances the psychological depth of the characters and immerses the reader in their internal conflicts.
- **Symbolism and Motifs:** The novel is rich in symbolism, with motifs such as trains, which symbolize the inexorable force of fate. These literary devices contribute to the novel's layered and nuanced storytelling.
6. **Tragedy and Consequences:**
- **Fatalism and Consequences:** The novel's tragic tone and fatalistic outlook reflect Tolstoy's view on the inevitable consequences of human actions. Anna's tragic end underscores the societal consequences of deviating from established norms.
7. **Enduring Themes:**
- **Timelessness:** "Anna Karenina" remains relevant due to its exploration of timeless themes—love, morality, societal expectations, and the individual's search for meaning.
8. **Literary Legacy:**
- **Influence and Adaptations:** Tolstoy's masterpiece has left an enduring impact on literature, inspiring numerous adaptations in various forms of media. Its exploration of human nature continues to resonate with readers across generations.
In conclusion, "Anna Karenina" stands as a multifaceted work of literature, offering a profound exploration of societal norms, individual choices, and the complexities of the human experience. Tolstoy's narrative craftsmanship and philosophical depth contribute to the enduring significance of this classic novel.