Title | The Predicament of Culture: Twentieth-Century Ethnography, Literature, and Art |
Author | James Clifford |
Edition | illustrated |
Publisher | Harvard University Press, 1988 |
1 | |
21 | |
55 | |
92 | |
117 這篇很精彩:功力非凡 | |
152 | |
165 | |
175 | |
182 | |
189 | |
215 | |
On Orientalism
| 255 |
Identity in Mashpee
| 277 |
349 | |
371 | |
#民族誌 #田野 #人類學 #原住民 #文化批判 #當代原住民 #原住民運動
▊ 文化的困境:20世紀的民族誌、文學與藝術
■什麼是一個 #文化的「#本真性」?
■這不僅是 #文化議題,而是具有 #政治與法律性 的討論。
本書分為「話語」、「移轉」、「收藏」與「諸多歷史」四個部分。第一部分「話語」聚焦於書寫與再現的策略,試圖表明民族誌文本是在充滿政治主導情境中的多聲交流的編排(orchestrations),呈現民族誌職權(ethnographic authority)的歷史轉向與書寫中見證和記錄的現身;第二部分「移轉」描繪民族誌研究與前衛藝術和文化批判的結盟,第三部分「收藏」轉向收藏的歷史,所謂「異國情調」如今近在咫尺,界線難分;第四部分則試圖以非西方歷史經驗展現現代性議題——屬於「東方」和美國原住民「部落」的經驗,是如何讓集體身分成為一種混雜且互相關聯的創造過程。
克里弗德延續《書寫文化》(Writing Culture)中「部分眞實」觀點,提出「諸多歷史」(histories)作為貫穿整個三部曲的核心思想——在《文化的困境》裡反駁文化「非存即亡」的有機論述;在《路徑》裡闡述羅斯堡的諸多過往;在《復返》裡賦予「偶然性銜接」的歷史辯證。
時間|12/12(二)晚上 19:00-21:00
地點|Google meet 會議室(連結將於活動12/10寄出,講座當天18:45開放進入會議室)
詹姆士.克里弗德(James Clifford,1945~)
哈佛大學歷史學博士,美國加州大學聖塔克魯茲分校(University of California, Santa Cruz)意識史系榮譽教授,於2011年當選美國藝術與科學院院士(American Academy of Arts and Sciences)。
克里弗德為當代人類學論述和文化反思重要學者之一,曾擔任American Ethnologist、Cultural Anthropology、Museum Anthropology、Cultural Studies、Material Culture、Collaborative Anthropology等重要人類學期刊的編輯委員,研究觀點包含人類學發展史、民族誌田野工作、原住民研究、原民藝術、博物館收藏與歷史。除了《文化的困境》、《路徑》、《復返》三部曲,尚著有:Person and Myth: Maurice Leenhardt in the Melanesian World(1982)、On the Edges of Anthropology(2003),並與馬庫斯(George Marcus)合編Writing Culture: The Poetics and Politics of Ethnography(1986)。
推薦 文化的困境,也是文化的超越/方怡潔
推薦 「如是文化,如是困境」──從民族誌職權到歷史批評的壯遊/李宜澤
導讀 馬凌諾斯基遺產與當代民族誌覺察/林徐達
導論 純粹產物已然瘋狂
第一部分 話語
第一章 民族誌職權
第二章 民族誌的權力與對話:格里奧爾的初始經驗
第三章 民族誌的自我塑造:康拉德和馬凌諾斯基
第二部分 移轉
第四章 民族誌的超現實主義
第五章 移轉的詩學:維克多・謝閣蘭
第六章 述說你的旅行:米歇爾・雷里斯
第七章 新詞政治學:艾梅・塞澤爾
第八章 巴黎植物園:明信片
第三部分 收藏
第九章 部落和現代歷史
第十章 藝術和文化收藏
第四部分 諸多歷史
第十一章 論東方主義
第十二章 梅斯皮身分
原文書名|The Predicament of Culture: Twentieth-Century Ethnography, Literature and Art
作者|詹姆士・克里弗德 James Clifford
尺寸|14.8 x 21 x 3.3 cm
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
James Clifford is an historian and Professor in the History of Consciousness Department at the University of California, Santa Cruz. Clifford and Hayden White
were among the first faculty directly appointed to the History of
Consciousness Ph.D. program in 1978, which was originally the only
graduate-only department at UC-Santa Cruz. The History of Consciousness
department continues to be an intellectual center for innovative
interdisciplinary and critical scholarship in the U.S. and abroad,
largely due to Clifford and White's influence, as well as the work of
other prominent faculty who were hired in the 1980s. Clifford served as
Chair to this department from 2004-2007.
Clifford is the author of several widely cited and translated books, including The Predicament of Culture: Twentieth Century Ethnography, Literature and Art (1988) and Routes: Travel and Translation in the Late 20th Century (1997), as well as the editor of Writing Culture: the Poetics and Politics of Ethnography, with George Marcus (1986). Clifford's work has sparked controversy and critical debate in a number of disciplines, such as literature, art history and visual studies, and especially in cultural anthropology, as his literary critiques of written ethnography greatly contributed to the discipline’s important self-critical period of the 1980s and early 1990s.
Clifford's dissertation research was conducted at Harvard University in History (1969–1977), and focused on anthropologist Maurice Leenhardt and Melanesia. However, because of his impact on the discipline of anthropology, Clifford is sometimes mistaken as an anthropologist with graduate training in cultural anthropology. Rather, Clifford's work in anthropology is usually critical and historical in nature, and does not often include fieldwork or extended research at a single field site. A geographical interest in Melanesia continues to influence Clifford's scholarship, and his work on issues related to indigeneity, as well as fields like globalization, museum studies, visual and performance studies, cultural studies, and translation, often as they relate to how the category of the indigenous is produced. Originally, Cllifford intended to write his dissertation on the French School of ethnography. He came to the Institute of Ethnology,in Paris, where the director, professor Jean Guiart, won him over to the idea of a monograph on Maurice Leenhardt.
Clifford is the author of several widely cited and translated books, including The Predicament of Culture: Twentieth Century Ethnography, Literature and Art (1988) and Routes: Travel and Translation in the Late 20th Century (1997), as well as the editor of Writing Culture: the Poetics and Politics of Ethnography, with George Marcus (1986). Clifford's work has sparked controversy and critical debate in a number of disciplines, such as literature, art history and visual studies, and especially in cultural anthropology, as his literary critiques of written ethnography greatly contributed to the discipline’s important self-critical period of the 1980s and early 1990s.
Clifford's dissertation research was conducted at Harvard University in History (1969–1977), and focused on anthropologist Maurice Leenhardt and Melanesia. However, because of his impact on the discipline of anthropology, Clifford is sometimes mistaken as an anthropologist with graduate training in cultural anthropology. Rather, Clifford's work in anthropology is usually critical and historical in nature, and does not often include fieldwork or extended research at a single field site. A geographical interest in Melanesia continues to influence Clifford's scholarship, and his work on issues related to indigeneity, as well as fields like globalization, museum studies, visual and performance studies, cultural studies, and translation, often as they relate to how the category of the indigenous is produced. Originally, Cllifford intended to write his dissertation on the French School of ethnography. He came to the Institute of Ethnology,in Paris, where the director, professor Jean Guiart, won him over to the idea of a monograph on Maurice Leenhardt.
Published works
- Person and Myth: Maurice Leenhardt in the Melanesian World (University of California Press, 1982; Duke University Press, 1992)
- Writing Culture: the Poetics and Politics of Ethnography, edited with George Marcus (University of California Press, 1986)
- The Predicament of Culture: Twentieth Century Ethnography, Literature and Art (Harvard University Press, 1988)
- Traveling Theories, Traveling Theorists, edited with Vivek Dhareshwar (Inscriptions 5, 1989)
- Routes: Travel and Translation in the Late Twentieth Century (Harvard University Press, 1997)
- On the Edges of Anthropology (Prickly Paradigm Press, 2003)
External links
- James Clifford
- Works by or about James Clifford (historian) in libraries (WorldCat catalog)
原住民立委Kolas Yotaka是社會學碩士,她日前與某出版社合作,翻譯美國人類學家James Clifford的著作《Routes: Travel and Translation in the Late Twentieth Century(暫譯:後20世紀的旅行與翻譯)???》,近期正重新閱讀,以利年底在台灣出版。
Kolas Yotaka指出,《Routes》主要描寫人在不同城市、部落的旅行途中,遇見原住民文化,如何重新解讀、認知,例如原民博物館的陳設、影音解說,甚至是動線設計,背後都有隱含既定印象,有助反思台灣原住民的處境。
立法委員Kolas Yotaka今天特地前往花蓮東華大學,受邀參與美國人類學,歷史學及文化學者Jame Clifford(詹姆仕.克里弗德)訪台的第一場演講,並擔任與談人。喜愛閱讀的Kolas Yotaka委員在十多年前還擔任記者時,翻譯了James Clifford的重要著作《路徑》(Routes: Travel and Translation in the late Twentieth Century),翻譯順利完成,卻因出版業蕭條,無緣出版。十多年後Kolas 己成為立法委員,中文版的譯作終於出版,甚至還與景仰的原作者James Clifford見面,Kolas對Clliford說,這很像一場夢難掩興奮之情。Clifford則對Kolas表示:「我不認為能找到一個比妳更好的翻譯者,能像妳一樣夠完全了解我在做什麼 ( I don’t think I could have found a better translator that someone seems to understand what I was trying to do.)」
Kolas向Clifford與在場的東華大學師生分享她譯書的經驗,以及她在翻譯《路徑》這本書的體會,Clifford當場表示非常驚喜,對於Kolas讀盡重點也完全掌握作者的原意:「⋯⋯包括文體的部份妳也注意到了,很多人讀了這本書,卻很少人評論過我的這一點,而妳卻注意到了,這對我意義重大。(⋯⋯including the stylistic elements, many people read that book but very few comment on the way I did between the style, ecologically different approach, that was important to me, and you saw that, I think, I really appreciate that.)」,Clifford感謝Kolas對該書重點的掌握,甚至當場在台上告訴Kolas「我很幸運由妳翻譯(I just think I was very lucky)。」
James Clifford在社會科學界相當知名,是當代後現代文化理論的重要理論家。現為加州大學聖塔克魯茲分校意識歷史學系榮譽教授,由於其民族誌研究偏重於原住民族,三本重要著作《文化的困境》、《路徑》、《復返》其中《路徑》的譯者就是Kolas Yotaka委員。
10多年前Kolas Yotaka剛從研究所畢業,對原住民族事務非常關注,在因緣際會下得到試譯James Clifford作品的機會,獲得出版社的認同。Kolas說當年讀了第一章就深深喜歡上這本書,之後就接受桂冠出版社的邀請完整翻完整本書。