- The Lives of the Surrealists (2018)
2018/06/29 - When he was 40, Desmond Morris researched the history of ten of his forefathers and calculated that he would probably live to just 61-and-a-half. Yet he's younger than ever at 90.
莫里斯(Desmond Morris)現在九十歲了,剛出了一本書叫《超現實主義畫家生活》,記錄他生命中遇見的那些超現實主義藝術家的點點滴滴,這是他第一手的經驗與面對面的觀察,而由於他動物學與人類學的背景,充滿洞見與深刻的觀察,他寫下這些藝術家的故事,不談大家已經看膩的超現實主義論述,而是活生生的人生與細節,有種老朋友式的平實溫暖意味,又清楚地有著動物學家的冷靜犀利,相當吸引人。
Desmond John Morris (born 24 January 1928) is an English zoologist, ethologist and surrealist painter, as well as a popular author in human sociobiology. He is known for his 1967 book The Naked Ape, and for his television programmes such as Zoo Time.
毛里斯戴茲蒙(Morris Desmond)/楊軍/馬可孛羅文化出版
719.85 2064
The Naked Eye (2001)
這本書用的語彙多為中國的 出版社懶得管它
連男女之愛 straight sex 都不知道是"異性交"
Internationally bestselling author and world-famous human behaviorist Desmond Morris turns his attention to the female form, taking the reader on a guided tour of the female body from head to toe. Highlighting the evolutionary functions of various physiological traits, Morris's study explores the various forms of enhancement and constraint that human societies have developed in the quest for the perfect female form. This is very much vintage Desmond Morris, delivered in his trademark voice: direct, clear, focused, and communicating what is often complex detail in simple language. In THE NAKED WOMAN, Desmond builds on his unrivalled experience as an observer of the human animal while tackling one of his most fascinating and challenging subjects to date.
Amazon.com: The Naked Woman: A Study of the Female Body ...
- [ 翻譯此頁 ]From the hair down to the feet, Morris contrasts woman's anatomy to man's, ... 5.0 out of 5 stars The Naked Woman review. For me as a Photography, ...這本書可以學許多英文單字 譬如說WORD HISTORY In classical legend the Amazons were a tribe of warrior women. Their name is supposedly derived from Greek a-mazos, "without a breast," because according to the legend they cut off their right breasts so as to be better able to shoot with a bow and arrow.
The Naked Woman: A Study of the Female Body
由 Desmond Morris 著作 - 2007 - 324 頁翻譯者也有許多疏忽 譬如說 不知道The Daily Mirror is a British tabloid newspaper founded in 1903.
而將Daily Mirror Beauty Book
《裸猿》(The Naked Ape: A Zoologist's Study of the Human Animal;ISBN 0-385-33430-3)是英國科學家德斯蒙德·莫利斯(Desmond Morris)在1967年所寫的一本探討人類行為的科學著作。在書裡,他把人類當作一種物種,亦即「裸猿」來看待。透過把「裸猿」與其他品種的動物比較,來討論人類的種種行為。本書認為:人類的大多數獨特行為都是因為生活所需而演化出來的,為要應付狩獵收集者(參看先天與後天)生活的挑戰。
2006年,Daniel Mellitz亦根據本書的內容改編成另一套獨立電影,並由Josh Wise、Chelse Swain、Sean Shanks、Amanda MacDonald、Tony LaThanh及Corbin Bernsen等人主演。
外部連結[編輯] | 女性身體一向是眾人目光的焦點,不論是男人渴求垂涎的注視,還是女人讚嘆嫉妒的眼神,美麗的身體總是逃不過隨之而來的正反面衝擊。 在不同時代與不同地區,人類社會一直想要改良自然的傑作,因而採取千百種方式修飾女性的身體。在這本書中,人類觀察家莫里斯將他的才智精力投注於女體上, 帶領讀者踏上一場「從頭到腳」的女性身體導覽之旅。除了指出女性身體上各種生物特徵的演化功能之外,對於人類社會為了掌控並塑造出完美的女性身體、因而加 諸其上的各種修飾與束縛,莫里斯更是舉證歷歷地深入討論。 莫里斯以動物學家的觀點寫作,信手拈來豐富的科學事實與妙聞軼事,提出發人深省的分析結論。他長年以來對人類動物觀察所得的豐碩經驗,為《裸女》一書提供了堅實深厚的基礎,也為女性身體娓娓道出屬於她們的美麗與哀愁。 人類動物園, 莫里斯Desmond Morris著; 周邦憲譯, 1990[ 民79] 作者簡介 德斯蒙德‧莫里斯(Desmond Morris) 莫里斯原本已是五十篇科學論文與七本書籍的作者,後來又在1967年完成《裸猿》(The Naked Ape),暢銷全世界達一千多萬本,並且翻譯成各國語言。他製作了許多探討人類與動物行為的電視節目與影片,而他態度和善且深入淺出的主持方式,更是深受大小觀眾的喜愛,目前已經是自然歷史節目中最著名的主持人。另外還有《人類動物園》(The Human Zoo)、《裸眼》(The Naked Eye)、《兩性異同》(The Human Sexes)、《男人女人身體觀察》(Bodywatching)、《人這種動物》(The Human Animal)等多本著作。 |